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Lifetime hairdresser extraordinaire

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I know, I know, there are at least 765 million hairdressers, teriyaki joints and manicure places in and around South Puget Sound. When half of these haidressers are located in Tacoma, you might wonder why in the hell would I choose to pick on little ol’ Karen O’Donnell instead of Jill Ogden at Angelo Mende or Karen Zadow at Parvenu? I will tell you why I chose Ms. O’Donnell: because she had it coming — big time.

STEPH DEROSA: So, since you think you’re so hot, Karen, why don’t you tell me how exactly you became a “Lifetime Hairdresser Extraordinaire.”

KAREN O’DONNELL: Because I am DAMN good at everything I do. And I mean EVERYTHING. So why not cut hair? Figured I’d make a killing at it.

DEROSA: Yeah, I can tell, “good at everything” huh?  Is that what Mr. O’Donnell says? Is that how you got that baby bulge I see on your belly?

O’DONNELL: If that’s the case, then you must suck — seeing as how you stopped at one child.

DEROSA: Ouch. You got me. OK, so what’s up with all the lit candles in this room? Séance?

O’DONNELL: Actually, you and your offspring stunk up my bathroom last time you were here. I was determined to be prepared this time.

DEROSA: Yeah, sorry about that. We had chili for lunch. Besides my family’s toilet habits, are there any haircut requests that make you violently ill?

O’DONNELL: Perms and flattops. Both of those make me cringe and run for my back stock of airline sickness bags. And yes, good shares of people still ask for those styles.

DEROSA: Ewww! Those poor, misguided folks. So tell me, have you ever made any of your clients cry? I hardly trust you with those sharp pointy things, and I’m pretty tough. I bet you’ve accidentally slashed a few ears in your day.

O’DONNELL: No, actually, I’ve never sliced anyone but myself. After a good shear sharpening I’m good for a quite a few cuts right in the web of the fingers. And the only person I’ve made cry with a haircut is my husband. He went from long rocker hair to short hair — and he cried.

DEROSA: Ooooh, I’m so putting that in the interview. He’s going to be livid. It’s in print now, baby — I got you good!

O’DONNELL: Here’s an interview question for you: Ever been kicked out of a hairdresser’s before?

To schedule an appointment with Karen O’Donnell, call 253.627.4496. Her business is located in Hilltop Tacoma. 

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