Northwest Military Blogs: McChord Flightline Chatter

November 18, 2011 at 7:18am

Raven part of special job in Air Force and at McChord

It's not uncommon in Staff Sgt. Nicholas Quijano's job for him to be greeted in other countries with a hug and a kiss on both cheeks.

It's something he's used to by now.

A Phoenix Raven with the 627th Security Forces Squadron at McChord Field, Quijano travels with aircrews to remote locations all over the world. Thanks to an in-depth knowledge of cross-cultural awareness, the 28-year-old Tacoma native knows just what to expect when he's greeted by a host country's dignitaries.

"We're looked at as ambassadors for the U.S. and the Air Force," said Quijano, who's been a Raven since 2006. "We're representing a bigger cause."

Implemented in 1997, the Phoenix Raven program consists of teams of specially trained security forces personnel dedicated to providing security for Air Mobility Command aircraft transiting high terrorist and criminal threat areas. AMC has more than 200 active-duty Raven-trained security forces members assigned at major AMC bases nationwide.

The Raven program ensures an acceptable level of security for aircraft transiting airfields where security is unknown or additional security is needed to counter local threats, according to AMC officials.

"We're there to protect the jet and the crew," Quijano said.

The Phoenix Raven training course is an intensive two-week, 12-hour-a-day course that covers such subjects as cross-cultural awareness, legal considerations, embassy operations, airfield survey techniques, explosive ordnance awareness, aircraft searches and unarmed self-defense techniques. Students are exposed to dozens of use-of-force scenarios where stress is simulated through the use of role players.

Ravens are also trained to utilize many "art of persuasion" techniques, Quijano said.

"It allows us to de-escalate a situation without having to put our hands on anyone," he said.

Raven candidates are also instructed on anti-hijacking duty in cooperation with the Federal Air Marshal program. Training is designed to provide security forces members with the skills required for their unique mission and builds on the basic security force skills taught at the Security Forces Academy at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. The number of Raven graduates now stands at more than 2,000.

The unique job opportunity has enabled Quijano to travel all over the world and visit many different countries. He's flown into many small airfields in Africa on humanitarian missions and gotten a chance to talk with the locals.

"They're just amazed," the staff sergeant said. "A lot of people (in small countries) have never seen a C-17 or C-5 (aircraft)."

Locals are also often appreciative of the humanitarian mission.

"They know we're there for a good cause," Quijano said.

While all the flying - sometimes for 12 to 13 hours straight - can take a toll on Ravens, there is a strong emphasis on physical fitness to help combat the effects all the flying has on the body, the Airman said.

Despite the challenges, Quijano can't see himself doing anything else.

"The experience itself is amazing," he said. "It's so rewarding."

November 17, 2011 at 5:58am

Air Force updates doctrine documents

The Air Force updated its two capstone doctrine documents.

In October, the Air Force released Air Force Doctrine Document 1, Air Force Basic Doctrine, Organization, and Command. In early November, a revised AFDD 1-1, Leadership and Force Development, was approved and is expected to be available online later in November.

"Much has transpired in the world since the previous edition of AFDD 1 was published in 2003," writes Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton A. Schwartz in the foreword to AFDD 1. "While we cannot accurately predict where and how we'll next be engaged, doctrine provides a leg up, outlining the basics of organization and command, providing guidance on how to think about and plan for different types of operations and missions. These foundational basics allow us to respond more quickly, freeing commanders and planners to think about larger issues, such as strategy, operational art and objectives."

Maj. Gen. Thomas K. Andersen, the commander of the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education, added that AFDD 1 thoroughly discusses the concepts of airpower, airmindedness, and what Airmen provide to the joint force and the nation.

Andersen said the discussion of "airpower" merits special attention.

"Senior leaders discussed whether the overarching construct should be unitary or whether it should explicitly delineate the air, space and cyberspace domains in which the Air Force operates," Andersen said. "We ultimately decided on an inclusive definition of airpower."

That definition defines airpower as "the ability to project military power or influence through the control and exploitation of air, space and cyberspace to achieve strategic, operational or tactical objectives."

AFDD 1 also adds discussions absent in previous versions, such as cyberspace operations, integration of nuclear support, and an expanded discussion of Guard and Reserve integration, especially in a homeland context.

Additionally, AFDD 1 now includes the organizational discussion previously found in AFDD 2, Operations and Organization. AFDD 2 will be rescinded upon publication of a new AFDD 3-0, Operations and Planning, which greatly expands upon AFDD 2's planning discussion.

Other changes to AFDD 1 include distinguishing between traditional and irregular war and the role culture plays in war; replacing the three core competencies and six distinctive capabilities with 12 new core functions; expanding on centralized control/decentralized execution to provide more clarity to the concept; and including an expanded discussion on force presentation that reflects recent experience in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.

Following closely behind AFDD 1, Schwartz approved AFDD 1-1, the second of the Air Force's capstone doctrine documents. In addition to laying out the Air Force's best practices for creating leaders and applying leadership, Andersen highlighted the expanded definition of "Airman" contained in AFDD 1-1: "When addressing a larger audience within the Service, the term Airman now includes all uniformed members of the Air Force (including active, Reserve and Guard), as well as Department of the Air Force civilians."

AFDDs are available from the Air Force Portal homepage (Doctrine tab) as well as the Air Force's electronic publishing, or e-publishing, website. AFDD 1 can be downloaded at

AFDD 1-1 is expected to be posted to the Air Force e-publishing website later in November.

For the memorandum regarding the new documents from Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Schwartz and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy, click here.

November 15, 2011 at 10:25am

McChord FTAC helps Airmen adjust to active duty life

JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash.  -- A year before, and in some cases only months before, they were wide-eyed young people fresh out of high school, while some were twenty-somethings looking for a new start. Some maybe used to slink down in their chairs, and some would speak to their neighbors in class while the instructor spoke. Some cared more about the new text message on their phone than anything else, and some maybe hadn't done many sit ups in their younger days.

Today is different. Fresh from Air Force technical schools across the country, McChord Field's First Term Airmen Center at Joint Base Lewis-McChord is the "Go" square on the Monopoly board that is their new duty station. Sharp uniforms, crisp haircuts, military bearing and order fill the classroom of Airmen from all points of the map and its here where they get their first tastes of everyday active duty Air Force life.

"FTAC was originally a place where you would send Airmen that were new to a base to be a labor crew," said Tech. Sgt. Monique DuBose, FTAC's noncomissioned officer-in-charge. "They'd come here, maybe see a few things on the base, but would do more of what we called the 'weeds and seeds' type of projects before they reached their units."

The FTAC program, an Air Force-wide initiative, had more of a workforce approach since its inception in 1976, and DuBose said it was one of the service's top enlisted men that changed that in the late 1980's.

"It was Chief (Master Sergeant of the Air Force James) Binnicker, our ninth chief master sergeant of the Air Force, that said 'professional development needs to start now,'" she said, pertaining to the Airmens' first days and weeks at their first duty station. "He felt they needed to hit the ground running and it's evolved quite a bit."

While their orders may read otherwise, for ten days they are F-tackers. Their new shops wait as leadership puts their concerns on the new Airmen as individuals, making sure they have all the tools they need to get started on their careers both at McChord Field and in the Air Force in general.

"You can't just say over the phone 'get here and do this,'" DuBose said of incoming Airmen, especially those new to the Air Force, "you need to see their faces. I'm here because I want to make sure everything is taken care of. When they go back to their units, they're ready to go to work."

Instruction includes personal topics such as understanding their medical benefits and continuing education programs, learning new resiliency tools, as well as checking out the installation's Morale, Welfare and Readiness program.

There's also professional development intended to set the tone for their roles in their new units. Among many other things, FTAC Airmen do physical training together and conduct a mock fitness assessment, and undergo multiple uniform inspections and safety briefings as part of not a transition to active duty life, but simply a continuance. DuBose said the Airmen return to their units with good understanding of where they are and what they need to do.

"We do everything; if they have pay issues, medical issues, before they get back to work, they'll be taken care of," she said. "Some people leave here knowing they'll deploy very soon; we'll do fit tests for chemical protective gear and let them know what to expect on the deployment line. That happens here."

She also said that while the Air Force requires certain blocks of instruction for any FTAC program, there's room for local instructors to shape their students' experiences, a benefit she said she appreciates as a veteran Airman.

"We've been changing some of the curriculum and adding new things; making it the best for them," she said. "Such as the new 'resiliency piece,' back in the day we were told to 'embrace the suck,' these Airmen don't need to do that. They need to know if they're having issues there are places for them to go."

While he may be new to the active duty Air Force, Airman 1st Class Evan Rosenboom, an Airman with the 62nd Operations Support Squadron and a former Air National Guardsman, said in his final day of instruction he appreciated the program because he knew firsthand what it's like to be overwhelmed in a new military situation.

"When I came through with the Guard, I had to find out a lot of stuff myself," the aviation resource manager said, "but here they offer this one place for a lot of information."

Rosenboom, who was part of FTAC class 11-18, and the rest of his class have already checked in at their new shops and are new members of teams across McChord Field. If one Airman's opinion can speak for the class, they and their units are better off thanks to their adjustment time spent with FTAC.

"(The permanent duty station) is a professional setting and this is my job," Airman 1st Class Kierra Harrison, an Airman with the 10th Airlift Squadron, said. "FTAC has helped me ensure that I'm keeping myself on track. It's work time."

November 14, 2011 at 6:38am

A tribute to several 446th Citizen Airman veterans

Senior Master Sgt. Stephen Harris (center), NCO in charge of the 446th Force Support Squadron Sustainment Services Flight, McChord Field, Wash., ensures his Airmen have everything they need in order to feed the rest of the Reservists during drill weekend

MCCHORD FIELD, Wash. -- It's the time of year when the nation's finest are recognized for their contributions to the security and freedom of the country.

The 446th Airlift Wing here has about 70 Reservists deployed overseas supporting global airlift, performing 44 percent of all C-17 Globemaster III missions leaving McChord Field.

Here are just a few Reservists from the 446th AW who have taken the Air Force Core Values to their limits, most of whom have multiple contingency deployments:

Senior Master Sgt. Stephen Harris, 446th Force Support Squadron, Sustainment Services Flight NCO in charge

Harris comes from a large family of veterans going back to the Korean War. The Bremerton, Wash. resident works as a human resources and leadership trainer at Bangor Naval Base. He's been with the 446th AW for 25 years and served on seven Air Expeditionary Force deployments at the port mortuary, at Dover Air Force Base, Del., the point of entry for the remains of servicemembers who are killed or die overseas.

"I'm proud to serve my country and proud to think about the people who came before me who served and protected this country," said the former Marine. "I'm even more honored to know there are people ready to serve. The great part is this is an all-volunteer force. Volunteers who protect the nation and we will wear that title forever. It's an honor knowing people are picking up the sword and shield to carry on service to this great nation. The country is in good hands."

Senior Master Sgt. Wendy Hutchins, 86th Aerial Port Squadron operations superintendent

This 19-year Reservist has served the nation with five deployments. She lives in Bothell, Wash. and works as a freight train conductor with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway. She's set to deploy to Afghanistan in the future.

"I'm proud to serve," said Hutchins. "But I'd like to see more red, white, and blue outside of people's houses. I want to see more patriotism. I think that will help bring us back to being a whole country and move forward together instead of in separate directions."

Master Sgt. Kristy Wellman, 446th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

This Tacoma, Wash. resident and fulltime medical technician has been in the Reserve for seven years. She's deployed four times in the last eight years, including her most recent deployment to Balad Air Base, Iraq.

"My biggest point is the sacrifices men and women are making to support the country and our well being," said Wellman. "I'd like people to also focus on their families, who also make sacrifices when they deploy. They put the country ahead of themselves. I hope people think about them more than once a year," she added.

Tech. Sgt. Freddie Garza Jr., 446th Security Forces Squadron

When he isn't serving the country on Reserve weekends, Garza resides in Yakima, Wash. He's currently testing for a career in law enforcement at various agencies throughout Washington State. He recently returned from a deployment at Kirkuk Regional Air Base, Iraq, where he distinguished himself by helping to ensure the security for almost 7,500 personnel in direct support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

"I would like to thank the veterans before me, who paved the way, so we could be here today," said Garza. "I hope to follow those footsteps, even though they're big shoes to fill. They're the reason I serve."

Tech. Sgt. Robin Smith, 446th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron C-17 crew chief

Smith has been a Reservist for 17 years and has spent seven with the 446th AW. As a civilian, he's been a functional test team lead with Boeing for 23 years. Last year, he deployed to Kuwait to work on C-17 aircraft.

"It's nice to see all of the support by the local population," said the Eatonville, Wash. resident. "It's always good to see men and women in uniform get a pat on the back as they're walking through the airport. It's a change from when I first enlisted, I'm not worried when I walk around in uniform in an airport or public now."

Tech. Sgt. Johnathan Tucker, 86th Aerial Port Squadron

Tucker hails from Everett, Wash. and works as a logistics supervisor with Philips Electronics in Seattle. The joint airlift inspector, who's been with the 446th AW since 2007, has been deployed three times. His most recent was at Balad Air Base, Iraq in 2009.

"As a society, we've come a long way on how veterans are treated," said Tucker. "That's a great thing to see. You get off of a plane and people are clapping for you. I think they deserve a thank you for recognizing us."

Staff Sgt. Pat Allen, 446th AMXS aerospace propulsion mechanic

All six of Allen's years in the military have been with the 446th AW. Along with being a full-time student at the University of Washington, he's an aircraft mechanic with Horizon Air. Like Smith, he also deployed last year to Kuwait.

"Veterans Day to me is a remembrance of every contingency and war we've had and honoring our vets," said the Seattle native. "This community has a large supportive population, especially being next door to (Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Main). The community needs to know that we see and appreciate their support and are very thankful for it."

November 13, 2011 at 6:55am

New McChord Field Inspector General outlines purpose

JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash.  -- As your newly appointed wing Inspector General, I wanted to introduce myself and provide a brief overview of the IG office complaint inquiries function.

The term "Inspector General" has been used historically in various governments and militaries throughout the world to denote an independent agency that ensures combat readiness of subordinate units. The lineage of the United States Air Force IG began with the American Army of 1777 and was established as an official Air Force function in 1948 by Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, the Air Force Chief of Staff at the time.

Vandenberg defined the IG mission as determining the combat and logistic effectiveness of the Air Force, ensuring the maintenance of discipline and security, and investigating matters involving crime and other violations of public trust. Subsequently, the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 institutionalized the IG for both military and civilians within the Department of Defense.

As McChord Field IG, we manage and execute the Air Force Complaint Resolution and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Programs. We analyze complaints for appropriateness and determine investigative requirements; refer non-IG issues to the appropriate commanders or agencies; coordinate Congressional inquiries and notify senior officials and leadership of issues. We do not determine guilt or innocence, do not take sides, and are not anyone's personal advocate. We are impartial and thorough fact finders working independently to resolve complaints quickly and objectively in order to resume focus on mission performance.

Anyone may submit a complaint to any IG within the Air Force or Department of Defense. However, individuals are encouraged to begin at the lowest level. According to Air Force Instruction 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, paragraph 2.1.2, "Complainants should attempt to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level (as appropriate for the circumstances) using supervisory channels before addressing them to higher-level command channels or the IG."

The three types of complaints the IG focuses on are reprisals, restrictions and improper mental health evaluations.

- Reprisals are unfavorable personnel actions, including withholding favorable personnel actions, taken or threatened against a member for making or preparing to make a protected communication.

Note: Protected communication is when a member communicates what they reasonably believe to be a violation of law or regulation to any person in the member's chain of command, first sergeant, command chief, chief master sergeant of the Air Force, inspector general, member of Congress, or personnel assigned to DoD audit, inspection, investigation, law enforcement, equal opportunity and family advocacy organizations.

- Restriction refers to efforts made to deny a member from making a protected communication to a member of Congress or an IG.

- Concerning improper mental health evaluations, only the member's commander can direct them to undergo a mental health evaluation.

Serving as your local IG office, we stand ready to provide unbiased and timely complaint resolution. You can reach your McChord Field IG office at (253) 982-3323.

November 11, 2011 at 6:43am

McChord center helps new Airmen adjust to active duty

Photo by David Poe Staff Sgt. Amaya Talley briefs students as part of the First Term Airman Center program at McChord Field, Thursday.

A year before, and in some cases only months before, many were wide-eyed young people fresh out of high school. Some were 20-somethings looking for a new start. Some slunk in their chairs, some spoke to neighbors in class while their instructors spoke. Some cared more about the new text messages on their phones than anything else, and some had never done a sit up or pushup in their lives.

Today is different. Fresh from Air Force technical schools across the country, McChord Field's First Term Airmen Center at Joint Base Lewis-McChord is the "Go" square on the Monopoly board that is their new duty station. Sharp uniforms, crisp haircuts and military bearing fill the classroom - Airmen from all points of the map. It's here where they get their first tastes of everyday active-duty Air Force life.

"FTAC was originally a place where you would send Airmen that were new to a base to be a labor crew," Tech. Sgt. Monique DuBose, FTAC's NCO-in-charge, said. "They'd come here, maybe see a few things on the base, but would do more of what we called the ‘weeds and seeds' type of projects before they reached their units."

The FTAC program, an Air Forcewide initiative, had more of a workforce approach since its inception in 1976, and DuBose said it was one of the service's top enlisted men who changed that in the late 1980s.

"It was Chief (Master Sergeant James) Binnicker, our ninth chief master sergeant of the Air Force, that said ‘professional development needs to start now,'" she said, pertaining to the Airmens' first days and weeks at their first duty station. "He felt they needed to hit the ground running and it's evolved quite a bit."

While their orders may read otherwise, for 10 days they are ‘F-tackers.' Their new units wait as leadership puts their concerns on the new Airmen as individuals, making sure they have all the tools they need to get started on their careers, both at McChord Field and in the Air Force in general.

"You can't just say over the phone ‘get here and do this,'" DuBose said of incoming Airmen, especially those new to the Air Force, "you need to see their faces. I'm here because I want to make sure everything is taken care of. When they go back to their units, they're ready to go to work."

Instruction includes personal topics such as understanding their Tricare benefits and continuing education programs, learning new resilience tools, as well as checking out the installation's FMWR program.

There's also professional development intended to set the tone for their roles in their new units. FTAC Airmen do PT together, conduct mock PT tests, undergo multiple uniform inspections and safety briefings more as a continuation of healthy habits than a transition to active-duty life. DuBose said the Airmen move on to their units with good understandings of where they are and what they need to do.

"We do everything; if they have pay issues, medical issues, before they get back to work, they'll be taken care of," she said. "Some people leave here knowing they'll deploy very soon; we'll do fit tests for chemical protective gear and let them know what to expect on the deployment line ... that happens here." `

She also said that while the Air Force requires certain blocks of instruction for any FTAC program, there's also room for local instructors to shape their students' experiences, a benefit she said she appreciates as a veteran Airman.

"We've been changing some of the curriculum and adding new things; making it the best for them," she said, "such as the new ‘resiliency piece.' Back in the day we were told to ‘embrace the suck;' these Airmen don't need to do that. They need to know if they're having issues there are places for them to go."

While he may be new to the active-duty Air Force, Airman 1st Class Evan Rosenboom, an Airman with the 62nd Operations Support Squadron and a former Air National Guardsman, said in his final day of instruction he appreciated the program because he knew firsthand on what it's like to be overwhelmed in a new military situation.

"When I came through with the Guard, I had to find out a lot of stuff myself," the aviation resource manager said, "but here they offer this one place for a lot of information."

By publication, Airmen from FTAC Class 11-18 have already checked in at their new shops and are new members of teams across McChord Field. If one Airman's opinion can speak for the class, they and their units are better off thanks to their adjustment time spent with FTAC.

"(The permanent duty station) is a professional setting and this is my job," Airman 1st Class Kierra Harrison, a new Airman with the 10th Airlift Squadron, said. "FTAC has helped me ensure that I'm keeping myself on track - it's work time."

November 11, 2011 at 6:36am

McChord Field to welcome nuke inspectors

The 62nd Airlift Wing will welcome inspection teams from the Air Mobility Command Inspector General Team and the Air Force Inspection Agency as they arrive to conduct the 62nd AW's Nuclear Surety Inspection, Nov. 15 to 21.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency will also provide oversight of the AMC/IG team's execution of the inspection.

According to Lt. Col. Jason King, 62nd AW chief of wing safety, the teams will evaluate the six "major graded areas" of the Wing's Nuclear Surety Program throughout the inspection: management and administration; personnel reliability program; tools, test, tiedown and handling equipment; safety; emergency exercises and logistics movement.

During the management and administration major graded area, teams will look at wing, group and squadron leadership involvement in the program.

The PRP major graded area will focus on the 4th Airlift Squadron, the 62nd Medical Squadron and the 627th Force Support Squadron.

The tools, test, tiedown and handling equipment major graded area will examine tiedown devices and chains, maintained by the 62nd Aerial Port Squadron.

The safety major graded area will focus on compliance with nuclear safety standards and the Nuclear Surety Managers' management of the program.

An emergency exercise will be used to evaluate aircrew procedures.

Finally, the logistics movement major graded area will evaluate the wing's ability to execute Prime Nuclear Airlift Force missions, including the 4th AS flying the mission, the 62nd Maintenance Group selecting and preparing the aircraft, and the command post's role in monitoring mission movements.

"Our goal is to leave the inspectors with the sense that we're leading the Air Force in continuing to strengthen the nuclear enterprise," said Capt. Will Dabney, 62nd AW nuclear security manager. "We're aiming for the highest ratings possible in the major graded areas, and we're ready to achieve that."

The 62nd AW's Nuclear Surety Program has won an Air Mobility Command and Air Force Safety Award 12 of the last 13 years.

"To put an end to Cold War thinking, we will reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy, and urge others to do the same," President Barack Obama said. "Make no mistake: As long as these weapons exist, the United States will maintain a safe, secure and effective arsenal to deter any adversary and guarantee that defense to our allies."

November 10, 2011 at 5:34am

McChord Airmen clean up local school's garden

Nine McChord Field Airmen rolled up their 
sleeves and strapped on their work boots as they spent a Saturday morning
cleaning and restoring a garden at Madrona School Nov. 5 in Seattle.
Madrona School, part of the Seattle Public School system, is a facility that
educates students from Kindergarten through 8th grade. The school houses a
learning garden that was overgrown and ineffectual.
"Previously, the flower beds were much larger and didn't allow children the
freedom to move around and explore," said Farah Thaxton, Medrona School
principal. "In addition, the garden was so overgrown that it was hard to
figure out what was there."
The Airmen worked for five hours to eliminate all weeds in the garden and cut
down a tree to allow space for new plants. They built wooden flower boxes,
planted new shrubbery and sprinkled mulch which created a path for children to
easily venture through the garden.
"It looks like a completely different garden," said Thaxton. "Our students
will be so excited about it."
The garden is utilized by more than 100 students over the course of a school
year. Activities such as the afterschool gardening club, preschool planting
program and science classes keep the garden a busy place.
"Not only do we teach students how to garden, but they learn how to sustain a
garden in an urban environment," said Thaxton. "We teach them how to plant,
grow and then cook their own food."
As the coordinator and representative for the school project, Staff Sgt.
Steven Seibert, 627th Civil Engineer Squadron, stressed the importance of
giving back to the community.
"As a military member, often times we receive a lot of appreciation," Seibert
said. "Giving back to our local community is a high priority. Stepping further
beyond our local area, to a place like Seattle, is meaningful because they don't
interact with us as often."
"It feels good to know that a couple hours of work will give these kids a
whole new place to learn," said Senior Airman Michael Calderon, 8th Airlift
Squadron loadmaster. "Hopefully we'll be able to come back soon and continue
to help out."
According to the principal, Madrona School has multiple upcoming projects
including painting the interior hallways and library. Nine out of nine
volunteers agree; McChord Field will be happy to provide assistance in the

November 9, 2011 at 6:53am

SECAF issues letter to Airmen on handling of remains

Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donley issued a letter to all Airmen Nov. 8.

In it, he wrote, "The mission at the Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operation (AFMAO) is to provide dignity, honor and respect to the fallen and care, service and support to their families. The professionals whose privilege it is to perform this solemn duty take great pride in that responsibility to care for America's fallen.

"However, due to specific concerns raised by AFMAO professionals regarding policies, processes, and procedures, the Air Force conducted an investigation that focused on allegations of mismanagement and accountability," he continued. "The Air Force has contacted the four families directly affected by the investigation and discussed these matters with them personally. If you were not contacted already, you are not one of the impacted families."

Click here to continue reading the full letter.

November 7, 2011 at 6:48am

AF officials launch respite care program

WASHINGTON - Air Force officials have teamed with the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies to launch the Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program Respite Care Program.

The program is built around providing a break for parents with special-needs children. It allows parents to receive 8-20 hours of respite care per month at no charge as long as they meet eligibility requirements.

The program was launched in July in seven regions with a high concentration of Air Force Families, officials said. The locations include: The National Capital Region; Tacoma; San Antonio; Honolulu; Colorado Springs, Colo.; Charleston, S.C.; and Hampton, Va.

These are currently the only locations where the program is offered, but Air Force officials are working with NACCRRA to identify additional locations.

"The goal is to hit every (continental U.S.) location that needs respite care." said Dianna Hills, the Exceptional Family Member Program manager.

The program is open to active duty, Guard and Reserve (activated for 31 days or more) Airmen, stationed at or near one of the seven locations, officials said. For Families to be eligible for the program, the child must be enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program, diagnosed with moderate to severe special needs, 18 years or younger and reside with the Airman.

To apply for the program, contact Child Care Aware at 800-424-2246 or and they will connect the Airman's Family to a local participating agency. The agency will work with the Family to complete the necessary application and assist with connecting the Family with a local respite care provider.


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