Northwest Military Blogs: McChord Flightline Chatter

November 30, 2011 at 9:52am

Team McChord to host ‘Wingman Day’

JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash.  -- Taking care of your Wingman is fundamental in today's Air Force culture. Wingman Day, scheduled for Dec. 2, 2011, is an all-day event dedicated to reinforcing the Wingman concept.

The goal of the day is to build resilient Airmen and focus on unit health through the Resiliency Program. Resiliency is defined throughout the installation as the ability to withstand, recover and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands.

Airmen will be in their physical training gear, uniform of the day, as training begins with a mandatory Team McChord all-call in Hangar 4. The training will include 62nd Airlift Wing and 627th Air Base Group leadership discussing Wingman culture principles. They will encourage McChord personnel to get involved, stay alert and take action to protect each other.

"This is a great opportunity for us to take care of our people and create a stronger, more resilient team," said Chief Master Sgt. Gregory Warren, 62nd AW command chief. "The Wingman concept is a way of life. It's about more than one day; it is a culture of Airmen taking care of Airmen each and every day."

Following leadership remarks, the team will receive briefings from multiple agencies, including the Master Resilience Trainers. The trainers will discuss the Comprehensive Airman Fitness Program and introduce squadron resiliency trainers. The CAF program at McChord focuses on overcoming relationship, parenting and work obstacles, coping with grief and anxiety, achieving greater physical health and bolstering optimism.

According to Tech. Sgt. Monique DuBose, Team McChord Comprehensive Airmen Fitness master resilience trainer, two new initiatives will be introduced during Wingman Day: "Hunt the good stuff" and "Active constructive responding and praise."

"These initiatives focus on countering negative bias to create positive emotion and building strong relationships using praise to promote winning streaks," said DuBose.

After the all-call, teams will break out into smaller groups within their squadrons or units. Resiliency trainers from each squadron will determine which areas of the resiliency program to focus on.

"I think the resiliency training we received is invaluable and everyone should get it," said Tech. Sgt. Angelique Joiner, 62nd Operation Support Squadron master resilience trainer assistant. "I'm definitely looking forward to helping out the master resilience trainers."

Finally, the teams will break for lunch and then regroup for the Wingman Day run.

"The last Wingman Day was really helpful," said Staff Sgt. Mallory Paul, 62nd AW Protocol deputy. "I'm looking forward to hearing the new topics, especially some new information about resiliency."


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November 27, 2011 at 6:20am

West Pierce Fire & Rescue shows military support

Airmen and Soldiers from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., stand with West Pierce Fire & Rescue chief Ken Sharp at a fire commissioner meeting, Nov. 15, 2011 in Lakewood, Wash. Reservists from the 446th Airlift Wing out of McChord Field were presented with

MCCHORD FIELD, Wash. -- Three Reservists from the 446th Airlift Wing received recognition from their employer, West Pierce Fire & Rescue during a fire commissioner meeting at Station 21 in Lakewood, Wash., Nov. 15, 2011.

Lt. Col. Robin Richardson, 446th Aeromedical Staging Squadron commander, Lt. Col. Dennis Woxen, 446th AW inspector general, and Tech. Sgt. Lance Nelson, a 728th Airlift Squadron loadmaster, were given certificates of appreciation for their military service.

"We got certificates for being employees of the fire department and serving in the Reserve," said Woxen.

As a token of gratitude, the Airmen reciprocated.

"I presented Ken Sharp, the fire chief, with an Operation Iraqi Freedom coin, reflecting his support for the 446th (AW) members who worked for him during that campaign," said Richardson, a firefighter and emergency medical technician.

Soldiers from the JBLM 4th Stryker and 16th Combat Aviation Brigades, were on hand to represent their respective community connector partners from Lakewood and University Place to accept proclamation plaques from WPFR.

"The proclamations were to honor the military and that (WPFR) will support the military and what they do," said Woxen, a WPFR firefighter and paramedic. "But the 446th (AW) Reservists, along with other Reservists and Guardsmen were honored for serving in the military and being firefighters as well."

Lt. Col. William Downing, represented the 4th Stryker Brigade for Lakewood and Lt. Col. James Faulknor, 16th Combat Aviation Brigade accepted the proclamation for University Place.


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November 26, 2011 at 6:35am

CAP cadets to participate in Wreaths Across America

It might be cold and it might be raining on the morning of Dec. 10, but a group of local Civil Air Patrol cadets will be out in force putting wreaths on the graves of local veterans.

It's all part of Wreaths Across America, a week-long collection of events made possible by thousands of volunteers who organize local ceremonies, raise funds to sponsor wreaths and participate in the events. The celebration receives no government funding, and the cost of the program is paid for by individual wreaths sponsors, corporate donors and volunteer truckers.

The week features special memorials for Pearl Harbor, Bunker Hill, Charleston Naval Shipyard and a wreath for every victim of 9-11 in New York City, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pa.

Locally, Civil Air Patrol cadets, as well as senior cadets, will be putting wreaths on the crosses at the military cemetery at Covington.

"It's a real honor for them to participate in it," said Lt. Col. Lorraine Robertson, the McChord Field squadron's executive assistant who has participated in the wreath-laying event for the last few years.

In the weeks leading up to the event, CAP cadets have set up tables at the McChord B/X and sold wreaths.

"A lot of times, people will come up and purchase a wreath and ask the cadets to lay it on a grave for them," Robertson said. "They think it's quite an honor for them to be able to it."

In past years, Gold Star mothers and fathers at the Covington cemetery have greeted cadets and handed out cookies and hot chocolate to express gratitude for their efforts, Robertson said.

With the CAP's involvement, which began in 2006, in the Wreaths Across America has ballooned from a local and limited operation to a national passion. Last year, more than 161,000 wreaths were placed on the graves of American Soldiers in observances at 405 cemeteries and memorials across the nation.

"This is where the CAP should be," said Maj. Gen. Amy Courtner, CAP's former national commander. "Through this event we memorialize those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, while we honor those who are still with us."

The ceremony before the wreath laying at the Covington cemetery starts at 9 a.m. For more information on Wreaths Across America, visit

November 26, 2011 at 6:33am

446th AW welcomes new maintenance commander

Air Force Reservists change locations almost as much as the active force. They go where they are needed, and where the command can benefit most from their skills and knowledge. Some move across the state, while others move clear across the country.

Col. Alan Lerner joined the 446th Airlift Wing family Oct. 1 as the 446th Maintenance Group commander. He and his wife Catherine relocated to McChord Field from the 512th Airlift Wing at Dover Air Force Base in Del.

Lerner said he has been working in maintenance for 26 years, and enjoys working with and leading maintainers. Throughout his career, his focus has always been taking care of his people.

"My priority is to mirror the active duty as much as we can, and to be strong wingmen," said Lerner. "We have to work within the limits of an eight-hour day, but we will do the best we can. The Reservists here are trained well and are able to provide continuity to the active force."

Chief Master Sgt. Tim Meyer, 446th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron superintendent, who has been with the unit for 26 years, said he was impressed with Lerner as soon as he met him and plans to help him get settled in and learn the way of the 446th AW.

"The first thing I noticed about him was his professionalism," said Meyer. "He will fit easily into this associate wing because he brings a lot of command knowledge to the group."

While at Dover, Lerner supervised the maintenance of the C-17 Globemaster III as well as the C-5 Galaxy. He said he prefers working with the C-17.

"The C-17 has better mission capable and home station reliability rate, " he said. "They launch on time to meet the daily schedule. It is a newer aircraft designed with maintenance in mind, and has a quicker turn-around rate. The C-5 was designed to carry heavy loads a long distance. Reliability was not a focus then as it has been in the last 25 years."

Lerner said the AFSO 21 program at the 512th AW is very successful he would like to see various aspects of the program continued here. Since the C-17 is 20 years younger than the C-5, it needs less maintenance, but places like the ISO dock and back shops can still garner great benefits.

Along with the AFSO 21 process, Lerner was actively involved in the training and preparation for the Operational Readiness Inspection with the 512th AW, which prepared him well for next year's ORI here.

"We will participate and I have no doubt we will do well. It was a similar package there, and the same will be expected here."

Lerner has plans to get into the groove of the high ops tempo of the 446th AW. In his down time, he would like to explore the local area, he said.

According to Lerner, the area here is much bigger than the area he lived in near Dover AFB. There was more of a hometown feel there, while here there is a much larger population, with more options and events to take advantage of and enjoy.

"I'm glad to be here," said the new Puyallup, Wash. resident. "My wife lived here before we were married and the opportunity to come back made her very happy. Until I retire, this is home and I plan to enjoy and take full advantage of everything the Pacific Northwest has to offer."

November 26, 2011 at 6:28am

McChord Airmen clean up local school's garden

JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash.  -- Nine McChord Field Airmen rolled up their sleeves and strapped on their work boots as they spent a Saturday morning cleaning and restoring a garden at Madrona School Nov. 5 in Seattle.

Madrona School, part of the Seattle Public School system, is a facility that educates students from Kindergarten through 8th grade. The school houses a learning garden that was overgrown and ineffectual.

"Previously, the flower beds were much larger and didn't allow children the freedom to move around and explore," said Farah Thaxton, Medrona School principal. "In addition, the garden was so overgrown that it was hard to figure out what was there."

The Airmen worked for five hours to eliminate all weeds in the garden and cut down a tree to allow space for new plants. They built wooden flower boxes, planted new shrubbery and sprinkled mulch which created a path for children to easily venture through the garden.

"It looks like a completely different garden," said Thaxton. "Our students will be so excited about it."

The garden is utilized by more than 100 students over the course of a school year. Activities such as the afterschool gardening club, preschool planting program and science classes keep the garden a busy place.

"Not only do we teach students how to garden, but they learn how to sustain a garden in an urban environment," said Thaxton. "We teach them how to plant, grow and then cook their own food."

As the coordinator and representative for the school project, Staff Sgt. Steven Seibert, 627th Civil Engineer Squadron, stressed the importance of giving back to the community.

"As a military member, often times we receive a lot of appreciation," Seibert said. "Giving back to our local community is a high priority. Stepping further beyond our local area, to a place like Seattle, is meaningful because they don't interact with us as often."

"It feels good to know that a couple hours of work will give these kids a whole new place to learn," said Senior Airman Michael Calderon, 8th Airlift Squadron loadmaster. "Hopefully we'll be able to come back soon and continue to help out."

According to the principal, Madrona School has multiple upcoming projects including painting the interior hallways and library. Nine out of nine volunteers agree; McChord Field will be happy to provide assistance in the future.

November 26, 2011 at 6:24am

Reservists get suspended for fitness

MCCHORD FIELD, Wash. -- Never miss a workout again. On duty, off duty or even on the road, Reservists can get fit.

"There are no more excuses," said Capt. Carrianne Culy, 446th Airlift Wing fitness program manager.

Culy, assistant officer in charge, manpower and personnel flight with the 446th Force Support Squadron, was authorized to purchase 100 TRX suspension trainer kits to enhance the wing fitness program and grant Reservists access to fitness any time, any place.

Reservists commonly find it hard to squeeze in time to work out during their civilian jobs or when they are on the road for temporary duties or deployments. Traditional Reservists don't have mandatory physical training sessions during the day, three times a week, like their active-duty counterparts.

"The initial goal is to train as many physical training leaders as possible at first. The PTLs, or anyone who attends the TRX training session, can then share their knowledge among Reservists in their units so they use the kits properly," said the Gig Harbor native.

These "workout in a bag" kits will be distributed to unit PTLs, who will be offered hands on training at the Fitness Annex from certified TRX instructors during the December Reserve training weekend.

According to Culy, the 5-pound bags contain suspension straps, a DVD and military fitness guides, equipped with ideas for strength training workouts on the road, and are a great tool to keep Reservists focused on fitness whenever, wherever.

Reservists can check out the fitness bags for use from their respective unit PTLs.

As a reminder, Culy and other PTLs hold a regularly scheduled fitness class at the base track every Saturday at 3 p.m. during the primary Reserve training weekend. All Reservists are encouraged to attend.

For more information about the wing fitness program or if you are interested in attending the upcoming TRX suspension trainer classes, please contact Culy at 982-1344 or via e-mail at

November 24, 2011 at 10:33am

McChord CGOC cleans up highway

Drivers traveling the stretch of Interstate 5 from State Route 512 to Gravelly Lake Road may see a familiar name on the sign at mile marker 127.

You might even say "Team McChord" owns that stretch of highway.

The McChord Company Grade Officers' Council recently teamed up with the Washington State Department of Transportation's Adopt-A-Highway program. Per the agreement, the CGOC is required to pick up litter on that assigned stretch of highway four times a year for the next four years.

"We're proud owners of that two-miles of I-5," said Capt. Kristina Sawtelle, a logistics officer with the 627th Logistics Readiness Squadron at McChord Field and the president of the CGOC. "We're going to keep that two miles as clean as we can."

The CGOC - which is made up of lieutenants and captains - exists to aid in CGOs' professional development, expand their social network and perform community service both on and off base.

The group approved the project unanimously and sent a group of 10 Airmen to the site Nov. 7 to clean it up.

"Everybody was on board with it," Sawtelle said.

The CGOC actually had to turn other junior officers who wanted to come out away because there can only be a select number of people picking up trash for safety reasons.

"We wanted to look for a community service project that we could consistently be able to do," said 2nd Lt. Lana Moore, the CGOC community service chairman. "It's nice to be able to clean up in the communities where we live and where the base is."

CGOC members also liked the fact the sign gives the base and Team McChord Airmen some positive visibility to those passing through, Moore added.

The activity itself of picking up trash on the morning of Nov. 7 also created a great opportunity for Airmen to get together and make new friends.

"There were some of us who didn't know each other," said Moore, an officer in the 627th Force Support Squadron.

As for the activity itself?

"There was a lot of trash out there," Moore said with a laugh. "We found some interesting stuff."

The community service project is just one of the things on the group's agenda. The CGOC is currently preparing to host a professional development conference in Seattle in May.

"It's a huge undertaking," Sawtelle said.

More than 250 CGOs from bases all over the country are set to come to the Northwest for the event, which is titled "Building the Strategic-Minded CGO."

The group will also unveil a new environmental plan, "Green as We Go," on base and locally early next year.

"It's designed to encourage people to pick up trash as they go through their day-to-day business," Moore said.

November 24, 2011 at 10:29am

Airmen beautification project benefits school, Tillicum community

Cold weather and the threat of rain did not stop volunteers from showing up at Tillicum Elementary on Veteran's Day for a project to beautify the school grounds.

Airmen from the 62nd Aerial Port Squadron joined Vietnam veterans, citizens of the community, more than two dozen Target employees and representatives from non-profit organization The Mission Continues at the Lakewood school to improve the look of school grounds.

The Mission Continues is a St. Louis-based organization whose mission is to provide every returning veteran with an opportunity to serve again as a citizen leader "We match each veteran with a certain non-profit, and they can stay with them for seven months," said Lyndsey Hodges, director of Special Projects. "We even give them a stipend for the cost of living." Participating in this unique program allows returning Servicemembers not only to give back to communities, but also to help them transition back to civilian life.

For the Nov. 11 beautification project, The Mission Continues partnered with the Target Corporation. Target gives five percent of its profits to schools and communities in areas that it operates, oftentimes donating upward of $3 million a week. Randy Kroum, one of the district facility managers for Target in the Seattle area, was the logistical brains of the operation. "We really want to start partnering with veterans groups," he said, "and who better than The Mission Continues, and to also volunteer at Tillicum Elementary." Target employees came from various locations, with individuals coming in from the West Seattle stores.

While Tillicum Elementary School principal Taj Jensen considers the school a ‘hidden gem,' he also admits that the school and community needed the boost the project provided. "Everyone takes pride in this school, whether or not they are affiliated with (it)," he said. "Even Soldiers with the medical brigade from Fort Lewis come down to play basketball with the kids." Stressing the importance of this project, students and teachers alike took pride in pitching in:  Students decorated windows for the veterans, and teachers, like Ruth Jones, even bought shrubs on their own.

Though everyone worked well into the early afternoon, the importance of the day was not lost on them. At 11 a.m., they all put down their shovels and rakes to pause for a moment of silence in honor of Veteran's Day.

For more information about The Mission Continues, visit

November 20, 2011 at 6:43am

Quilts comfort children of deployed parents

Joan Breitinger, left, and Debi Shultz inspects fabric sections that will be sewed together in making quilts for children at the Grandstaff Library Nov. 10, 2011 on JBLM. Jim Bryant/JBLM PAO

In spring of 2002, Marty Alexander started seeing a change at Joint Base Lewis-McChord's Grandstaff Library.

"We noticed some of the kids in the children's room acting differently," she said.

A few of the younger patrons were acting out when they normally would have sat quietly with a book ... and the reason for the shift wasn't difficult to figure out. These kids had deployed parents, and Alexander had a way to help.

Starting in April of that year she and a group of volunteers got together to start Quilts for Kids, a one-of-a-kind program at JBLM. The blankets they made weren't full-sized, but they offered those having the most trouble something portable and comforting (and washable) to carry with them wherever they went.

They began distributing them to family readiness groups and Army and Air Force agencies that worked with children to give to kids that needed a little extra help, and they've been doing it ever since.

"This is a great cause and a definite need ... To me it makes me think of hugs," said Debi Shultz, a volunteer quilter that came to help last week.

In the nearly 10 years since Alexander founded the group it's been through a lot. She's retired from her work at the library, volunteers come and go, and they've been in and out of workspaces (currently they bring all their materials into a small workspace at Grandstaff each week).

That hasn't stopped them from creating 1,085 quilts to date, though - that's nearly 150 a year.

"We're all military Families and it's important to us to help our military Families as much as we can," volunteer Joan Breitinger said.

She's been quilting with the group since the very beginning, and the family feel is really what it's all about. She and other members of the groups have brought kids and grandkids to help as they piece together blankets assembly-line style. Each one takes about six hours to complete, and are made in batches of 10 over the course of three weekly meetings.

The quilts are all about the same. Each one has a piece of patriotic fabric in the middle, with bright, interesting squares of fabric around the edges. The blankets are pre-washed before they're given away, and all of them come with a personalized Quilts for Kids label. Most of all, the volunteers regret that there simply aren't enough for all the kids that could use one.

"It's comforting, it's just snuggly and comfy," Alexander said.

In fact, the group is comforting more than just children. Participants are not required to know how to sew before they arrive, so absolutely anyone is welcome to come. For the past few weeks that's included Sylverine Caprietta, whose husband is deployed to Iraq for one year.

"It helps me from grieving ... I just look forward to Thursdays," she said.

She came for a good cause, but fell in love with quilting right away. She knows this is a hobby she can take with her wherever she ends up.

There's also the aspect of companionship. The group of women has all kinds in it, including the occasional active-duty Soldier that comes to sew in uniform. They work together around the table in a borrowed space, teach each other techniques and get to know each other.

It's something Alexander has always appreciated. She prefers to stay behind the scenes when she can, but she's proud of the work she's doing.

"I very much still, after all this time, still look forward to Thursdays," she said.

How to help

Quilts for Kids operates entirely on donations, and is supported by volunteers.

The group meets every Thursday at Grandstaff Memorial Library from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and is always in need of low-loft batting and 100 percent cotton material in bright, juvenile prints.

If you would like to know more about the group, or know of a child that needs a quilt, contact Grandstaff Library at 966-1320.

November 20, 2011 at 6:36am

McChord Airmen volunteer to aid heart ward

Airman 1st Class Juliana Guzman (left) and Staff Sgt. Michelle Fedrick pose for a photo with gifts from a Kyrgyz boy at the Children's Heart Ward of the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Heart Surgery and Organ Transplantation in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

TRANSIT CENTER AT MANAS, Kyrgyzstan - Airmen deployed from Joint Base Lewis-McChord and other locations to the Transit Center at Manas visited the Children's Heart Ward of the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Heart Surgery and Organ Transplantation Nov. 11.

The Airmen are all members of the Manas Area Benefit Outreach Society, a private organization that provides charitable donations, goods and services to people and organizations in areas surrounding the Transit Center.

It has been about five months since MABOS members last visited the facility. During this visit the new focus group leaders met with the director and professor of surgery to discuss future MABOS assistance.

"I think there is a lot of good we can do here," said Staff Sgt. Jena Taylor, 817th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron combat crew communications specialist, based out of McChord Field.

The facility currently has about 40 patients awaiting surgery and about another 80 on the waiting list. The hospital is staffed to perform five or six surgeries a day, but limitations only allow them to conduct two a day.

"It is hard for the families because they have to wait here in line for months just because we can't (perform surgeries) fast enough," said Dr. Talgat Abdullaevich, director and professor of surgery in the Institute of Cardiac Surgery and Organ Transplantation.

Taylor became a MABOS heart ward FGL so she could positively impact others during her time at the Transit Center.

"We took a lot of notes and the professor is sending us a list of their biggest needs," Taylor said. "If I can get some of that list completed before I redploy I would be completely happy."

While the FGLs met with the professor, other MABOS members delivered coloring books, crayons and other toys to children in the heart ward.

"It was great seeing the kids laughing," said Staff Sgt. Michelle Fedrick, 817th EAS aviation resource manager also from McChord Field. "I got involved with MABOS to help others. I'm getting my degree in child and family development, since I'm very passionate about children."

Taylor encourages other members of the Transit Center to join MABOS.

"You can help change somebody's life," she said. "The more people who get involved, the more we can do." The group left with plans to assist the facility with the delivery of donated supplies and to purchase needed equipment.

"It is truly an honor to help," said Master Sgt. Joseph Cuthbertson, 376th Expeditionary Mission Support Group first sergeant deployed from Beale Air Force Base, Calif.

"We will gladly take anything offered to us," Abdullaevich said. "I'm very thankful."


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