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Sunday, Oct. 24: Breathe Owl Breathe


Breathe Owl Breathe

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Breathe Owl Breathe is a disarmingly earnest group of artists and musicians who make ground-level folk-pop. Their current aspiration is to make a children's record about an ostrich and a mole that become friends while hanging out underground. So, you know, they're that kind of band. Their music is intimate, gentle stuff that never loses sight of drive and pop structure in favor of preciousness, much to the delight of my admittedly folk-weary ears. Little electronic flourishes have a way of seeping in ever so slightly around the edges, adding just that little touch of texture that helps to break up the lazy, drifting vibe of Breathe Owl Breathe. Oh, and about that children's record: if you donate enough to get the record started, BOB will play your slumber party. Neat-o. 

[Northern, with Little Wings, 8 p.m., all ages, $7, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia,]

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