Northwest Military Blogs: South Sound at Night

November 8, 2010 at 8:29am

Late night dive into Foss Waterway

Jeanette Hannes pours a double shot of Snake River Stampede during promo night. Photography by Steve Dunkelberger

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Last Wednesday, I dropped in on Rock The Dock Pub & Grill's new Old School College Wednesdays with DJ Contagious. And while I wouldn't call it a meat market, and only a few people danced to the dance hits from years past, I still had a rockin' good time. Reps from Snake River Stampede Whiskey were on hand to showcase its new distilled goodness. And tight-jeaned 20somethings in tank tops had to stretch over the pool table to "make the shot."

An added bonus was trading shots and laughs with bar owner Gwendolyn Stence. She said that Tacoma's music scene makers gather there Thursday nights for the open mic.

Oh, and the best part, was carpenter Zachary Tippett's challenging his boss, Jeff Larsen, to dive into the 34 degree neighboring Foss Waterway. Here's a photomontage of how that went down"

The Challenge pregame show

The Challenge throwdown

The Challenge is accepted. Larsen shattered his hand in a fight a week ago.

The Challenge hug

The Challenge paceoff

The Challenge dive!

The Challenge dismount

The Challenge shrinkage

LINK: More photos of the night in our Photo Hot Spot

Comments for "Late night dive into Foss Waterway" (1)

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Ginger Knoxx said on Nov. 09, 2010 at 2:01am

I am so glad there isn't much photo proof of my days of "having fun" around T-Town. Go Jeff and Zach. Wooo Hooo! (I think)

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Recent Comments

Dr Soul said:

It was fabulous - Ain't no party like a Brown Edition party!

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James said:

Went to this bar thanks to this review...You forgot to mention that without a killer band...

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