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Rising Tides

‘90s alt rock represent

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“I love the Jive. It has to be one of the best places in the Northwest to play. It has a vibe that you just can’t buy,” said Ken Smith, bassist for the band Rising Tides, who will play Bob’s Java Jive on Saturday, Sept. 13. “I dare you to try to have a bad time there. You just can’t.”

Of course, Smith said that a while back — almost five months ago to be exact — before Rising Tides had even played their first show. 

Where was that first show?

Bob’s Java Jive of course. 

This Saturday the Seattle-based band — born from the ashes of Jodie Hates the World and the Degrees — will be back in Tacoma for a repeat performance at the Jive. If past performances are any indication, it should be a show not to miss. Guitar built and atmospheric, Rising Tides hashes out a sound reminiscent of ’90s alt rock sensibilities with a twist of new school songwriting. Much like Jodie Hates the World and the Degrees, Rising Tides has more to offer than your typical bar rock band.


But, beyond that, Rising Tides also manages to keep things surprisingly down to earth. The proof, as they say, is in the sonic pudding.


“I think we’re doing something that hasn’t really been done in this area much. I think Rising Tides will stand out, because were not doing the typical Northwest indie rock thing,” said Rising Tides guitarist and singer Jason Harrison in May. “I think a lot of people have been looking for something — something that’s not mainstream forced-down-your-throat dumb rock, and something that’s not all tight-jeaned, studded belt indie fashonisim. I know I have.”

See for yourself this Saturday at Bob’s Java Jive. 

[Bob’s Java Jive, with Microtia, Conservative Dad and Sammy Swell, Saturday, Sept. 13, 8 p.m., $5, 2102 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.475.9843]

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