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Psychic Fair, Swap and Shop and more

Arts and cultural picks of the week

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I could make jokes about how you never read anymore. But that’s just not true. You do. TV Guide doesn’t read itself, you know. Plus you have to figure out that little graph thingy with the channels and times — not to mention the plot summaries. However, I digress. The point is you have all of those “books” on your shelves. Some have been made into movies (which means you don’t need to read them) and some have not (which means they’re not worth bothering with). Either way, you’re not going to read them. So, give them away.

Wind Up Here in Olympia is sponsoring a book drive to benefit the Page Ahead Children’s Literacy Program. Drop by the toy store with a book for local at-risk children younger than 12 before the July 29 deadline.

Many have already donated helping Wind Up Here to reach its 200 book goal. But that’s not you. You’re busy flipping through the TV Guide. — Suzy Stump

[Wind Up Here, through July 29, 121 Fifth Ave. S.E., Olympia, 360.943.9045]


Will they say ‘ni’?

Spend the day in an age where chivalry and laughter abound. Where kings and queens and noble lords and ladies stroll among the commoners. Where valiant knights engage in combat for the honor of their ladies. Where teeth were yellow, sores flourished and everyone smelled like poop. The Camlann Medieval Faire, the king of Northwest medieval fairs, which opens Saturday and runs through Aug. 26, offers crafts, entertainment, armored jousts, brews and lots of bosom-enhancing costumes. — SS

[Camlann Medieval Village, through Aug. 26, 10320 Kelly Rd. NE, Carnation, 425.788.8624]


Psychic Fair

Wait ... you have a vision. You plug into the area’s collective unconscious. In a flash, you remember that you — and those of your ilk — don’t need the cathode ray tube and the remote control to flip through images of far-flung places. You’re telekinetic. Telepathic. Otherworldly. And — irony of all ironies — you almost blanked on Sunday’s Psychic Fair. But then, in the nick of time, your sixth sense kicked in. It always does. — Ron Swarner

[Tacoma CDM Psychic Institute, Sunday, Aug. 5, 1-4 p.m., $10, 4004 S. 12th St., Tacoma, 253.759.7460]



Bobble Tiki, like most journalists of a certain age, is proud of being ‘’an ink-stained wretch,” though ‘’ink” has mostly been replaced by ‘’coffee.” (The ‘’wretch” part remains.) With ink in his blood, it’s in Bobble Tiki’s nature to be intrigued by the “Inkorporation” exhibit at A.O.C. gallery in Tacoma. Four Pacific Northwest printmakers — Betsy Best-Spadaro, Jessica Spring, Klara Glosova, Janet Marcarvage — will hang at the gallery Aug. 3-30, and literally hang for a reception Saturday, Aug. 4 from 5 to 8 p.m. — Bobble Tiki

[a.o.c. gallery, 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, 608 S. Fawcett Ave., Tacoma, 253.627.8180]


Bored with your life?

Want to show the out-of-town guests a microcosm of Lakewood? Drag yourself out of bed and head toward the Star Lite Swap and Shop. Not only will you find all kinds of junk to buy for next to nothing — some of which might just be antique treasures — but you will also find all kinds of crazy people trying to sell their clothes, jewelry, books and children. You can get some real bargains here on clothes, cameras, car batteries, typewriters, shoes, socks, knives, CDs, cell phones, lunch boxes, herbs, really bad art, toothpaste and underwear. It’s a great way to kill a morning. The best time to be there is right when it opens. A perfect place to watch Lakewood in action and/or get rid of that junk that’s been piling up in your garage or to buy someone else’s.  — SS

[Star Lite Swap N Shop, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays-Sundays, $1 on weekends only, 8327 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, 253.588.8090]

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