Over 75 military families get full turkey dinners

AUSA, Camp Murray and Tacoma VFW partner up

By Melissa Renahan on November 27, 2012

"I got a call from the Family Programs Office on Camp Murray and they said they needed a place to store all of these turkeys," explained retired Air Force Master Sgt. Elmer Clark, VFW Commander for Post 91 in Tacoma and District 3. "They also needed some help collecting the rest of the food, so of course we agreed."

The AUSA subchapter on Camp Murray provided the turkeys through their annual Operation Turkey Drop.

Meanwhile, Clark went to work asking other local stores for even more donations and was rewarded with pumpkin pies from the Grocery Outlet, stuffing from TOP Food and Drug, and boxes and bags from the Home Depot. Another 1,500 pounds of food items were the contributed by an outreach group in Vancouver, WA; however, since it was not all ‘traditional Thanksgiving fare', the post has arranged to let the families pick from the groceries and actually get a second meal.

Additionally, the Tacoma post kicked in $450 in donations in order to buy the extra fixings, like the over 300 pounds of potatoes, that Clark personally purchased.

"This is has been a bigger undertaking than we've done in years past, but its really just more family support for our military and that is what we're dedicated to doing," Clark said.

Boxes were packed on Sunday by volunteers and then the families were invited to pick up the boxes, as well as a turkey and pie straight out of the freezer, at the post Monday through Wednesday.

In total, 75 local military families from the Army, Air Force and National Guard picked up a box overflowing with food and kindness at the VFW and the Camp Murray AUSA subchapter also sent 100 gift cards for groceries to National Guard and Reservist families who are stationed throughout the state.