Northwest Military Blogs: McChord Flightline Chatter

April 1, 2016 at 11:47am

Sailor completes Airman Leadership School

Col. Ethan Griffin (left), 62nd Airlift Wing vice commander and Chief Master Sgt. Tico Mazid, 62nd AW Command Chief, present a graduation certificate to MA2 Christopher Beining. Photo credit: Senior Airman Divine Cox

MA2 Christopher Beining, Marine Corps Security Forces Battalion master of arms, Naval Base Kitsap at Bangor, graduated from the Julius A. Kolb Airman Leadership School March 25 as part of a graduation ceremony at the McChord Club, Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

Beining was the first U.S. Navy sailor to attend the Julius A. Kolb ALS, here on McChord Field.

The ALS program is a six-week course of primarily guided discussion classroom methodology, experimental activities, and exercises and case studies. It also features uniform inspection, physical training and drill.

"This was a unique schooling opportunity for me," said Beining. "In the Navy, we attend the Petty Officer Indoctrination Course. This ALS course is more than 190 hours of course material, while our (Navy) course is only twenty-two hours."

The instructors and curriculum challenged Beining, while introducing him to leadership techniques that work with other branches of the military, according to Tech. Sgt. James Lee, JBLM ALS instructor.

"I was also challenged as the instructor," said Lee. "I actually had to do a lot of research about the Navy and took it upon myself to take the Navy senior noncommissioned officer academy computer-based training course so I could link in Navy history to better assist the student."

Although Beining was at ALS to learn about leadership and supervisory roles, he also was able to educate McChord airmen on leadership and supervisory roles in the U.S. Navy.

"I enjoyed ALS; it was different from the POIC," said Beining. "It was structured like a college course; there was a lot of studying on your own."

Beining said the focus on academics gave the school that college-like atmosphere.

"Today's military is doing a lot of joint operations," said Beining. "So taking this course gave me some knowledge on how the Air Force works."

"Beining did great throughout the whole course," said Lee. "We both overcame the challenges of learning the differences between both branches, and the willingness to understand how other services do things helped everyone."

March 31, 2016 at 3:08pm

Specially trained Security Forces airmen protect AMC assets

Ravens guard an Air Force plane. U.S. Air Force photo

In 1996, three specific events highlighted the need for on-the ground, close-in U.S. security at foreign airfields, which led to the establishment of the raven program.

In Mongolia, two children climbed into the wheel well of a C-141 after the aircrew conducted their walk-around. When the aircraft went to altitude, the children froze to death and later fell out of the wheel well as the aircraft landed. In Senegal, with no host nation security forces or AMC aircrew present, a second AMC aircraft was damaged by local nationals. Lastly, the Khobar Towers bombing, and the subsequent Downing Commission Report, re-enforced Force Protection as an inherent commander's responsibility.

The raven program was implemented in 1997 by former AMC commander, Gen. Walter Kross, to better protect military aircraft in an expeditionary environment. Although geographic combatant commanders are responsible for force protection in their theater, AMC recognized it was more practical to provide an organic fly-away security force for the complex missions that AMC and United States Transportation Command perform. In the past 19 years, ravens have protected assets in humanitarian relief missions, contingencies, and numerous named operations.

"Ravens travel as aircrew members on missions to help detect, deter, and counter threats to AMC aircraft and crews to ensure they can complete their mission," said Master Sgt. Greggery Gordon, AMC Phoenix Raven. Gordon has also been a raven since 2001.

A select group of Air Force Security Forces volunteers go through a qualification process and an intensive 22 days of training at the Air Force Expeditionary Center in order to become Phoenix Ravens. The training includes cross-cultural awareness, legal considerations, embassy operations, airfield survey methods, and unarmed self-defense techniques with more than 70 use-of-force scenarios. Ravens are taught to use the lowest level of force necessary, including verbal judo, which is used to deescalate a situation while gaining trust and cooperation of a subject.

"We review the curriculum and update the qualification course constantly to provide the best training possible," said Maj. Jodi DeDecker-Bubar, AMC Deputy Security Forces Contingency Operations Branch. "We currently have 117 funded positions; however, as of April 1, 2016, this will increase by twenty-one because of mission workload. In comparison, there were 250 plus ravens assigned following 9/11."

Each major command is responsible for implementing the way they conduct their fly-away security (FAS) program. AMC utilizes Phoenix Raven, because of the exclusive training they receive. AMC's Phoenix Raven Course has trained Guard and Reserve, sister service, and coalition ravens. The difference between the FAS teams and Phoenix Ravens is the length of the qualification course, UTCs, and specialized in-depth training.

"Ravens are trained to use discrete techniques and procedures; including weapons employment and by wearing flight suits to blend in with the aircrew," said DeDecker-Bubar.

Upon graduation of the course, ravens receive an individual lifetime numeric identifier, special experience identifier, and are authorized wear of the new raven tab. They also commit to being available 24/7 for a mission. Ravens average over 100 missions per month. Of the 19 years since the program evolved, 2015 was the second highest year for missions, with 1,394 completed. The program's busiest year was 2002, due to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom expanding, with 1,442 missions completed.

When a mission is loaded into the Global Decision Support System (GDSS) by the 618th Air Operations Center planners, AMC Raven Program Managers and the Threat Working Group review the mission and compare it to the AMC Phoenix Raven locations list.

Depending on the size of the aircraft and ground time at a raven required location, teams are tasked from one of the six hubs: Joint Base Lewis-McChord; Travis AFB, California; MacDill AFB, Florida; Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina; Dover AFB. Delaware and Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey.

There are also ravens staged at overseas locations. Upon landing, ravens are the first members off the aircraft and the last ones on.

"The raven program safeguards our Nation's Rapid Global Mobility mission. These professional Security Forces airmen ensure the highest level of Force Protection for AMC's Strategic Airlift assets and personnel - no matter what the operating environment may be," said Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II, Air Mobility Command commander.

Next year, the Phoenix Raven program will celebrate its 20th anniversary. For those interested in the program, please contact their supervisor and reference AFI 31-104_AMCSUP, Security Forces Specialized Missions for guidance.

March 25, 2016 at 12:16pm

Longtime JBLM civilian receives Bryce Lilly Service Award

Col. Leonard Kosinski (left), 62nd Airlift Wing commander, presents the Bryce Lilly Service Award to Mr. Charles Thornton (middle left), Joint Base Lewis-McChord Department of Services joint operations officer. Photo credit: Senior Airman Divine Cox

Each year at the Team McChord Annual Awards Banquet, one special award is given called the Bryce Lilly Service Award. This award is given at the discretion of the wing commander to the military member, civilian employee, local business leader, community supporter or any other person directly involved in enhancing the quality of the military community at McChord Field.

At this year's awards banquet conducted March 11 at the McChord Club on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, that award was given to Mr. Charles Thornton, JBLM Department of Emergency Services joint operations officer for McChord Field.

"Since I've taken command of the 62nd Airlift Wing, I've been incredibly impressed with the team of dedicated airmen and civilians that make JBLM a premier power projection platform. Many individuals have stood out, but none more than Mr. Charles Thornton in being the epitome of The McChord Way ... Excellence, Innovation, Respect," said Col. Leonard Kosinski, 62nd AW commander.  "He has served his country proudly since his combat time in the Vietnam War and has continued to be that humble, servant leader to ensure we are taking care of our airmen, mission and families at Team McChord."

Unaware of his selection for this award, Thornton, known as "Mr. T" to most, listened as the emcee for the Team McChord Annual Awards Banquet read the script detailing his accomplishments.

"This year's Bryce Lilly Award recipient is a dedicated JBLM and local community member who exemplifies the traits of Bryce Lilly. This individual is a longstanding member of both communities who has supported JBLM events time and time again," said the emcee. "This member is an integral part of the success garnered by all of those participating in base distinguished visits, higher headquarters venues, on and off-base community events and ceremonies recognizing those fallen servicemembers who return through JBLM. This member is a vital part of the team and carries the Air Force core values in all they do."

It was then announced that Mr. Charles Thornton was this year's Bryce Lilly Service Award winner. Totally caught off guard, Thornton proceeded to receive his award in front of a standing ovation of more than 200 Team McChord members.

"I see him behind the scenes at every significant event we've had at JBLM and his standard of excellence and professionalism is unwavering," said Kosinski.  "It is not just me that believes it was important to recognize ‘Mr. T' as the Bryce Lilly Award recipient. I could see the expressions of many in the audience during the announcement at the Team McChord Awards Ceremony, and the response from all that know ‘Mr. T' and his service was overwhelming acknowledgement of him being the absolute right choice for this award."

Charles Thornton arrived to JBLM in December of 1979 from Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina, and was assigned as the first superintendent for the 446th AW Security Police Squadron. He transitioned over to the 62nd Security Forces Squadron in 1985 and is currently working for DES under the joint basing construct.

In his time here, Thornton has become a pillar in the communities both on and off base.

He is involved in the Pierce County Police Chief's Association, the Washington State Behind the Badge Committee, the King County Stand With Those Who Serves Committee, the Pierce County Law Enforcement Memorial Committee, and the Thurston County Law Enforcement Working Committee.

He has been involved in base events such as the Air Mobility Command Rodeo, the JBLM Air Show and Open House, high-level distinguished visitor visits to include the President of Columbia and the Secretary of Defense, the return of Matthew Todd Miller and Kenneth Bae from North Korea, and has ensured the return of fallen servicemembers is treated with the utmost honor and respect.

March 25, 2016 at 12:07pm

62nd Aerial Port airmen enable robust mission

"When the Air Force needs a squadron to do humanitarian relief in the Pacific theatre or even within the United States, they get this port to do it. That's how big of a deal this Eagle Port is," said Master Sgt. Robert Peaden.

Master Sgt. Robert Peaden, the 62nd Aerial Port Squadron First Sergeant, takes pride in the unit he serves with and has nothing but gratitude for the men and women who "are the Port."

"There's a lot of weight put on the shoulders of these airmen," he said. "They do so much more than load people and cargo to send across the world."

Peaden's knowledge of what the 62nd APS does stems from a personal connection to his time as a firefighter.

"The APS loaded firefighters and supplies to Wyoming to combat wildfires in Yellowstone National Park," he said.

As a former firefighter, Peaden knows just how vital having a reliable transportation and knowledgeable aerial port staff is to ensuring the trusted, responsive and safe global airlift.

The history of the 62nd APS began long before the C-17 Globemaster made an appearance in our McChord Field fleet in 1995.

In fact, the 62nd APS, formerly known as the 62nd Air Terminal Squadron, supported the scientific stations in the Arctic Ocean by airdropping supplies on drifting ice in 1962. Fast forward to 2016 and the 62nd APS is still supporting a similar mission called Operation Deep Freeze, albeit not on drifting ice anymore.

The unit moves all the supplies the 3,000 plus personnel need and require to survive and complete their research in the Arctic.

The 62nd APS is also currently providing support to the 610th Engineer Support Company missions going to Texas for border patrol support.

Their unique mission set and the airmen - civilian, active-duty and Reserve combined have hundreds of years experience. Perhaps it's their Port Dawg mentality that keeps them unified and successful.

Retired Chief Master Sgt. Patrick Fleishman and self-proclaimed Port Dawg, has spent more than 17 years at the port as an active-duty airman and now a civilian.

In his current role as the 62nd APS combat readiness center resources flight chief, Fleishman said everybody in the unit has a Port Dawg mentality with a can-do attitude.

"The deployment tempo is high and usually there are at least twenty-five people deployed in our unit," said Fleishman. "We stay busy supporting the air drop missions, joint related missions, Federal Emergency Management Agency missions and much more."

Fleishman said there is a lot of coordination, restrictions and effort that goes into providing airlift.

When it comes to delivering air transportation, the 62nd APS has been leading the way for more than six decades and will continue to do so.

March 25, 2016 at 12:03pm

Chaplains enrich airmen's wings

Chaplain (Col.) Gary Califf, Air Force Reserve Command chief chaplain with citizen airmen from the 446th Airlift Wing Chaplain Corps during the March Reserve weekend here March 6, 2016. Courtesy photo

Rainier Wing citizen airmen congregated for a commander's call, filling Hangar 9 to the max during the Reserve weekend March 6, to hear messages from leadership, including Psychological Health and the wing chaplain.

After the assembly, Chaplain (Col.) Gary Califf, Air Force Reserve Command chief chaplain, shed light on the importance of these events framed through a chaplain's eyes.

"The Reserve Triad of family-job-(Air Force Reserve) duty results in a blur of demands for most of our citizen airmen," he said. "The Wingman Day provides a time to stop, smell the sweet flowers of success, hear the unit challenges from the (wing commander), and rally around important issues."

Without such events, which place everyone in the same place at the same time for the same messaging, people are just pieces of a large puzzle, Califf explained. Some call that stove-piping, but it really results in the feelings that people are detached from the whole.

Understanding where the pieces fit to accomplish a mission is a key component in how a wing acts as one.

"Everyone knows the Wing has a mission. However, at times we don't absorb the truth everyone prospers by feeling they're part of something larger than themselves," the Chaplain said. "My little job is meaningful, as is each sprocket in the wheel. To experience how it all fits together by having everyone participating in one cheering session, one topical briefing in the same room enhances everyone's effectiveness."

During the event, Jeannie Morrow, the 446th Airlift Wing director of Psychological Health, shared the struggle she has with her fear of flying. Her story resounded with Chaplain Califf, who further framed these battles through the eyes of a chaplain.

"We all struggle with something that affects our career, family and finances in bad ways," he said. "To decide to get the help one needs puts an end to the suffering we often bring on ourselves. And, as we know, when one part suffers - all are affected. The reminder to get assistance when things get difficult, before life spins out of control, yields a much healthier and effective unit pursuing mission accomplishment."

When asked to share his insight into the importance of the chaplain corps in providing spiritual care for airmen and their families, he passed a story.

"One commander I spoke with several years ago said, ‘when you have a good chaplain corps team in your wing, you know it. You feel it. You might not be able to measure it in metrics or chart it, but you just feel it, and you know it,'" Califf explained.

Listening is a vital element transforming a good chaplain into a great one.

"Great chaplains and chaplain assistants listen to the stories of airmen, discern what theme is helpful, and encourage folks to experience what they need at that time and place," he said. "We can listen and provide a perspective on ways of letting go, discovering peace. In the moral realms, the chaplain corps is a reminder of the sacred in life, important core values, and perhaps a divine presence."

Chaplains and chaplain assistants also serve as Religious Support Teams to meaningfully engage with troops in their workplaces in order to assess morale, and develop rapport with the troops, said Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Pierre Allegre, 446th AW wing chaplain. Chaplains also provide pastoral care and counseling - which is 100-percent confidential - and advise commanders on matters concerning religion, ethics and unit morale.

"In the 446th, we try to speak encouraging words at commanders' calls in order to reach as many airmen as possible, in hopes that if we engage with them at those large events, they'll feel more inclined to come see us in the future if they ever have a need," Allegre said. "We also provide short worship services in various workplaces during the (Reserve weekends) - not only to meet the religious needs of airmen, but also to train to lead the kinds of worship services we're likely to conduct downrange when we deploy."

March 24, 2016 at 10:31am

JBLM not implementing new open-carry protocols

Despite that a few Air Force installations in the U.S. have recently authorized programs allowing an increased armed presence on base, at this time, Joint Base Lewis-McChord is not implementing new security measures.

The Unit Marshal Program, Security Forces Staff Arming, and Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, are protocols some Air Force installations have elected to follow, largely in response to guidance from Secretary of Defense Ash Carter in the summer after a series of mass shootings took place - including the incidents at a recruiting station and Navy Reserve Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where four marines and a sailor died, and others were wounded July 16.

The national conversation after the Chattanooga events centered on how to protect servicemembers at remote locations and recruiting offices, and whether or not arming troops at off-installation DoD facilities should be part of the solution.

According to Mathew Toth, deputy director, Directorate of Emergency Services, people are concerned for all the right reasons, but that doesn't mean JBLM can authorize just anyone to open-carry weapons on base.

Although the joint-base commander has the authority to arm additional servicemembers with government weapons, currently there is no plan to implement UMP or LEOSA programs at JBLM because force protection is well in-hand, Toth said.

The SFSA program is currently being used at JBLM by airmen with the 627th Security Forces Squadron, Toth said.

"Installation commanders have always had the authority to arm people up if they feel there is a threat," he said. "Under existing regulations, they have always had the authority and responsibility to protect their people, and that includes arming people up if necessary."

That decision, however, Toth said, must be based on a credible threat. JBLM has a robust security force in place that stands ready to counter any threat to the installation - active shooter scenarios included.

Unit Marshal Program - This new program's policies and procedures were finalized by the Air Force in November. Select airmen are chosen to train for the program that allows them to carry a government weapon during the duty day where they work.

The purpose is to immediately confront an active-shooter situation - a break glass in case of emergency type of situation, Toth said. The Army does not have a Unit Marshal Program, and the program has not been authorized at JBLM.

For more information or questions about carrying weapons on JBLM, call DES at 253.966.0666.

March 24, 2016 at 10:27am

Night vision landings

A C-17 Globemaster III aircraft out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, lands on Pegasus Runway in Antarctica during the 2015 Operation Deep Freeze season. Courtesy photo

Airlift support to the U.S. Antarctic Program wrapped-up in March, and members from Joint Base Lewis-McChord met challenges of the harsh Antarctic environment head-on, including performing night-vision goggle landings on a runway made of ice during the Austral Winter.

The flights were part of Operation Deep Freeze, the U.S. military's logistical support to the Antarctic Program, which is managed by the National Science Foundation. The Antarctic flights are one of the military's most difficult peacetime missions, due to the unpredictable and severe weather conditions on the southernmost continent.

The 446th Airlift "Rainier" Wing partners with the 62nd Airlift Wing in a total force Team McChord effort to provide airlift support to the Antarctic Program, which manages three research stations year-round. The bulk of research in Antarctica takes place during the Southern Hemisphere's summer: The 2015 airlift season spanned the period from September 2015 until March 2016.

In blended "rainbow" crews consisting of active-duty and Reservist airmen, Team McChord members work in concert with many organizations to support NSF research and deploy as part of the 304th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron.

The missions also tested the capabilities of the C-17 Globemaster III, and the Rainier Wing supported three rotations to the Antarctic.

"We ran three rotations during the main season of September to November," said Senior Master Sgt. Derek Bryant, 304th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron superintendent. "On average, each rotation contained roughly seven missions and transported over five hundred personnel and over 400,000 pounds of cargo each."

Night-vision goggle operations were key elements of a successful season without mishaps for members of the Rainier Wing.

"We ran night-vision missions in June this year when it normally would have been too dark to operate," said Bryant. "This enabled us to help create new scientific possibilities for the NSF. Those flights in June and July solidified our training and the capabilities of the C-17 in those conditions."

Aircrews land on a sheet of ice, which is called Pegasus Runway, in Antarctica. Total airlift support from Team McChord included two medical evacuations, over 1,300 passengers transported, over 150 flight hours and nearly one million pounds of cargo offloaded.

During the last mission March 2, members from Team McChord helped move 5,912 pounds of cargo to McMurdo Station, Antarctica, and transported over 30 passengers and 44,000 pounds of cargo to Christchurch, New Zealand, said Lt. Col. Robert Schmidt, 304th EAS mission commander and 62nd Operations Group deputy commander.

Adding to the total force effort, once personnel and equipment are brought by C-17 crews to McMurdo Station, a ski-equipped LC-130 from the 109th Airlift Wing deployed from Stratton Air National Guard Base, New York, ensure personnel and supplies are flown to smaller camps and stations in the Antarctic, said Schmidt.

Christchurch International Airport, New Zealand, is the staging point for deployments to McMurdo Station, Antarctica, the USAP's logistics hub, according to Joint Task Force-Support Forces Antarctica, led by Pacific Air Forces at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.

"The Pegasus Runway moves approximately one hundred feet per year, and they're in the process of building a new runway," said Schmidt. "During the next season, the plan is to start flight testing the new runway."

During June and July 2015, members from Team McChord validated increased flying hour efficiency by supporting pre-scheduled mid-Austral winter flights to McMurdo.

"On each mission, we saved approximately twenty-eight hours of C-17 positioning and de-positioning flight time by tying into an Australian channel," explained Schmidt.

The Australian channel is a routine airlift mission flown from Travis Air Force Base, California, and reduces the C-17 flight time from 17 hours to six by more efficiently using airlift assets already deployed to Australia to support transporting equipment and personnel for the NSF Antarctic mission, he said.

Preparations for flights in June and July 2016 are underway for Antarctic airlift support.

March 17, 2016 at 2:59pm

JBLM recognizes Red Cross volunteers

The JBLM American Red Cross dog therapy team and their handlers receive the Outstanding Team Award at the JBLM Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon and Award Ceremony at the McChord Club, March 9. Photo credit: Staff Sgt. Naomi Shipley

Eighty-one Joint Base Lewis-McChord American Red Cross volunteers were recognized for their selfless dedication and servitude at a ceremony March 9, at the McChord Club on JBLM. In 2015, 315 Red Cross volunteers worked with JBLM healthcare facilities and other service areas to provide essential support towards the comfort and medical care of servicemembers, veterans and family members. The volunteers contributed more than 74,000 hours of service or the equivalent to more than $1.7 million worth of service.

Col. Timothy Holman, 7th Infantry Division chief of staff, served as the guest speaker for the annual event which served as an opportunity to give back to those who give so much.

"It's an absolute honor to be given the opportunity to address these outstanding volunteers," said Holman. "Since its inception in 1881, when Clara Barton and her best friends founded the organization, the Red Cross has remained true to its mission of preventing and alleviating human suffering."

Holman quoted Merriam Webster to describe who the volunteers truly are by saying, "A volunteer is a person who does something by free choice usually with no expectations for payment or acknowledgement."

He addressed the volunteers with deep gratitude, understanding the essential role the Red Cross volunteers play here.

"Your willingness to help others speaks volumes about your character," Holman said. "Today, we take the time to honor these eighty-one civilians who collectively have volunteered hundreds of years and thousands of hours of their time. No other organization comes close to the dedication or acts of kindness you give."

Holman shared a story about his personal connection and experience with the American Red Cross from 15 years ago.

"As a soldier in the Pentagon during the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, I witnessed first-hand the Red Cross volunteers who worked tirelessly to help support those affected in the crash," said Holman. "I watched them working around the clock helping others, and this selfless display of generosity will be forever etched in my mind."

"As a volunteer, each of you has a unique story to tell and you will never know all the lives you have affected through your many sacrifices.

Bob Jeffrey, McChord Clinic Red Cross coordinator, was recognized as the 2015 Volunteer of the Year and was surprised by the announcement at the ceremony.

Joey Naputi, McChord Clinic pharmacy technician and avid volunteer appreciator, credits Jeffrey's meticulousness and dedication as the driving force behind the success at the McChord Clinic.

March 11, 2016 at 12:04pm

Rainier Wing moves mountains in Spain

When teams are assembled in order to accomplish a project or goal, their success can be measured by the chemistry within.

In the Air Force, it's no different. Airmen across the globe collectively achieve its mission by sustaining an integrative, flexible, rapidly mobile force.

Reservists with the 446th Airlift Wing's maintenance and aircraft maintenance squadrons, out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, demonstrated this ability providing maintenance support for the 725th Air Mobility Squadron here Feb. 14-28.

In order to meet annual training requirements, the Rainier Wing's citizen airmen assisted the 725th AMS airmen in their distinctive role of performing en-route maintenance operations for aircraft, which travel to forward operating locations.

Upon their arrival, the reserve maintainers tore off their warmups, and geared up for the game.

"We're providing real global support functioning away from home station," said Senior Master Sgt. Joe Warren, 446th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron team. "This allows us to showcase our skills in a deployed environment, share what we know outside of McChord, and learn from our host (unit). It also gives us the ability to focus on production."

Reserve maintainers don't always get the option to train on the flightline during drill weekends. Some may have to fulfill their commitments at a base field training detachment (where aircraft maintenance students learn about a specific airframe in a university-type of environment), or on a computer. Annual tours, including this give Reserve airmen the chance to apply their skills.

"We get here and do our job, instead of training to do our job," said Tech Sgt. Lebaron Smith, 446th AMXS Instrument Flight Control Systems technician. "We get more experience and get people trained to do things by the book, fast and safe. When the time comes down to it and we need to be (mobilized), we need those skills."

Real-world environments also allow airmen to learn from each other. This is especially the case in maintenance and aircraft maintenance, because of the background variances between the Reserve and regular Air Force units. The 446th AMXS mission is exclusive to the C-17 Globemaster III airframe. However, performing at the en-route base demands general knowledge of multiple aircraft.

"They're a huge help," said Senior Master Sgt. Cameron Leslie, 725th Aircraft Maintenance Unit production superintendent. 

March 11, 2016 at 12:01pm

Bringing 446th airmen together

Citizen airmen of the Rainier Wing gathered together March 6 at McChord Field to participate in Wingman Day.

The theme of this year's event, We Are Connected, was aimed at highlighting the importance of joining together as a team.

"Wingman Day is our chance to emphasize the resiliency of the 446th Airlift Wing family," said Col. Scott McLaughlin, 446th AW wing commander. "It solidifies the meaning that we always have someone to lean on."

One of the speakers, Jeanne Morrow, the 446th Airlift Wing director of psychological health, briefed the wing on suicide prevention and awareness.

"Everyone is faced with challenges," said Morrow. "At some point you will have to face those challenges. Wingman Day is a chance for us to gain a better understanding of ourselves."

Morrow relayed her experience of a fear of flying and how it impacted her life. She explained how something that starts as a minor inconvenience can manifest into something debilitating.

Following the suicide prevention briefing, Reservists took part in a new program called Wingman University.

The 446th Wingman University offered five classes which included education on parenting, relationships, finances, home buying and health and fitness.

"These classes will allow airmen to learn new skills or enhance previously learned skills," said McLaughlin.


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