Big Business

The sludge rockers will perform Saturday in Olympia

By Nikki McCoy on January 24, 2013

"Hello, I know you guys are busy blowing minds and rocking souls, but just wanted to let you know my deadline is this Thursday, so if you can tuck it in your minds I need a response by then, I'd super appreciate it. - Nikki"

This is the message I sent Big Business a couple of Mondays ago.

Then I waited patiently for a reply. As I waited, I thought, "Maybe I sounded condescending. Maybe I asked too many questions. Maybe the questions were boring, or tedious. Maybe I should have asked the band's favorite cereal instead."

No, the questions were solid. I wanted to know if the band's self-released 7-inch Battlefields is on its new label, Gold Metal Records. How was the tour? Did the band have awesome tour stories? Did Big Business care it was performing after the Bones Brigade documentary Saturday at the Capitol Theater? I wanted to know if the band missed quirky Olympia.  

Stepping back I realize it's not about me, or my questions or even about you, dear reader. Right now, Big Business is about big business. And I don't mean that in a shitty way. I mean, it's Big Business. The band - comprised of members from Karp, Murder City Devils and 400 Blows - is busy. It's in the heat of its Northwest tour. Jared Warren and Coady Willis split their time performing with the Melvins, and running their own label in L.A.

Adapting, I spoke with Audrey Henley, booker at Capitol Theater where Big Business will perform Saturday, Jan. 26. Big Business will follow the Bones Brigade skateboard documentary that's part of Olympia Film Society's Documentary Film Festival.

"It was originally booked as a midweek show at the (Capitol Theater) Backstage," says Henley. "I had a huge fear we'd have to turn people away."

Henley knew it would be a perfect fit with Bones Brigade, and moved the sludge rockers to the front of the house allowing an extra 200 people to see the band.

"I remember so clearly music and skateboarding going together," says Henley. "They don't go together nearly as often as they should."

Big Business was stoked over the change. Apparently, the band has been following the film from city to city as they toured, never grabbing the opportunity to watch it.

"It's just that sort of magic," says Henley. "We're showing the movie; they're wrapping up the tour."

And speaking of magic, just as I thought I wouldn't hear back from Big Business in time - POOF! I received a reply.

Warren told me that "cold hard cash" brought them back to Olympia. In regards to skateboarding, "Scott (Martin) is very interested in the trucked sports," Warren said. "I was always too tall, poorly balanced, and without smooth pavement to really ‘carve it up' on my banana board."

Regarding Gold Metal Records, Warren said, "It's coming along great! We're in the process of acquiring both Warner and Sony records. Those old dinosaurs never saw it coming! We believe that all mistakes made in regards to our musical endeavors are best made by ourselves. And if there might be any reward to collect at the end of the day, that might as well belong solely to us as well. We plan on releasing our next full length on Gold Metal.

"I'd say I'm most stoked to visit Old School Pizzeria," Warren said when asked what he missed most about Olympia. "I'll probably also go to the Reef at some point for a libation and perhaps a burger."

Keep an eye out for Big Business around Olympia, and catch the band's show before - POOF! The band heads back to L.A.