Military spouse crowned Mrs. Washington 2010

Lakewood wife to compete in Mrs. America pageant this fall

By Melissa Renahan on June 30, 2010

"This has always been my dream," said the new reigning Mrs. Washington 2010, Carla Richards. "It took 24 years and nine tries - but I got the title!"

On June 19, in what was her fourth attempt at the Mrs. Washington title since 2007, the 41-year-old Richards was finally crowned the winner. She has held the title of Mrs. Pierce County a few times and is the first from the county to bring the state title back home. Richards' husband of 18 years, Jeff, spent 23 years in the Air Force and is currently stationed at Whidbey Island as a Naval Reserve Division Officer with VAQ 129 SAU, Fighting Vikings.

"I think I get a great deal of respect from the judges as a military spouse," she said. "But I'll never know how much it factors into their voting."

Prior to this year, Richards' platform had been focused more on being a military spouse, but she opted to change it and reflect her other biggest passion: advocacy for her special needs children. She and Jeff have two sons, Kenny, 12, who has been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, and Cody, 9, who is autistic.

She plans to use her new title to help promote her platform "Embracing the Special Needs Child," which encourages parents to embrace what is special in their child, to never give up and to know that there is help and hope along the way. Richards also wants to share what she has learned from her own experiences with parents in similar situations.

"I try to develop a partnership with whoever is teaching my child at the time," she explained. "My other biggest piece of advice is to take a leadership role in your child's life - volunteer, be a den mother, whatever. That way you can monitor what is going on and if need be, teach empathy."

As if she wasn't busy enough, Richards has been a Precinct Committee Officer with Pierce County Council for close to six years and her volunteerism knows no bounds. She volunteers about 10 to 15 hours a week for various causes, from being a PTA mom or a room parent, to working as a PAVE (Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment) volunteer and TSA (Tourette Syndrome Association) volunteer. Last year she was also honored by the Air Force and when she won the Bryce Lilly Service Award from her 2008 involvement with Operation Homefront.

Aside from her official platform, she also wants her accomplishment to show other women that just because they are a mom, a homemaker or have been married for years doesn't mean that they can't have dreams.

"My voiceover for the pageant said: ‘I am a homemaker...but according to my husband, I am the Commander and Chief of planning and scheduling," Richards said with a laugh.

Richards will compete against 50 other women for the title of Mrs. America during a weeklong event in Tucson, Ariz., this September. If she were to win that title, the next step would be the Mrs. World competition, which will be in South Korea during the late fall.

To learn more about Richards, special needs advocacy and her entire platform, visit