Friday, Oct. 7: Ladies Night

Harlequin Productions

By Volcano Staff on October 5, 2011

Cue the swanky, seductive, borderline porno music. It's ladies night ... or, rather, it will be ladies night Friday at the State Theater in Olympia, when Harlequin Productions offers free admission to all ladies for its presentation of The Love List (glowingly reviewed by Christian Carvajal here). Ingenious idea? Of course it is. Will you hook up? Probably not. But at least now when you bring grandma to the theater it won't set you back as much cash.

PREDICTION: The look on your face will be priceless when grandma ends up going home with "Leroy," the geriatric driving the Cadillac Coupe de Ville who smells of Brut aftershave and pure passion.

[Harlequin Productions, The Love List, Sept. 29-Oct. 22, 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, $31, 202 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia, 360.786.0151]