Through March 26: "Cubistic Embrace"

B2 Fine Art Gallery

By Alec Clayton on February 16, 2011

Ric Hall and Ron Schmitt are phenomenal. They do pastel paintings working in tandem - not taking turns working on the paintings but working side-by-side and simultaneously, and, from what I've heard, with hardly any planning or discussion but reacting to one another with what has been described as a collective subconscious.

But it is the quality and inventiveness of their art, not their working method, that makes these partners unique. Their art is mostly dark and ominous, combining elements of Surrealism and Cubism with imagery reminiscent of Ben Shahn, Jacob Lawrence and Walt Kuhn. Figures are broken up and recombined, and fingers are knife-like such as those in some of Picasso's most threatening images. And like Picasso, there is underlying sexual tension in many of their images.

I've been following their work for many years. Their latest show at B2 Fine Art Gallery, called Cubistic Embrace, is different from other Hall and Schmitt shows in a number of ways.

Read the rest of my review here.

Cubistic Embrace

Through March 26, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday–Saturday, till 8 p.m. Third Thursdays
B2 Fine Art Gallery, 711 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma