Friday, Nov. 19: SweetKiss Momma


By Matt Driscoll on November 17, 2010

The last time I saw SweetKiss Momma frontman Jeff Hamel I told him he needed a championship belt - something to signify his band's current standing as the reigning champs of Puyallup. He was modest, naturally, brushing the suggestion off, but I stand firm. SweetKiss Momma is far and away the best thing P-Town has going for it these days. Though I say that with mild sarcasm (I came from Puyallup so I feel comfortable making fun of it), I'm obviously not alone in my admiration. Hamel tells me the band recently signed distribution deals with "a number of European distributors and have obtained publicists both in the UK and USA." Friday SweetKiss Momma, Midnight Salvage Co. and Guns of Nevada will be at Jazzbones - a show that's also a celebration for Darrell Fortune and the Northwest Convergence Zone podcast. Fortune recently won fifth place in the radio personality category of King 5's Best of Western Washington competition. 

[Jazzbones, with Guns of Nevada, Midnight Salvage Co., 7 p.m., $7, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]