Saturday, Oct. 2: Wheelies

The New Frontier Lounge

By Jason Baxter on September 29, 2010

Local quartet Wheelies' indie rock combines equal parts depravity and delicacy; they can sing about getting wasted while sounding angelic, only to eventually tumble into Murder City Devils-esque explosions of musical furor. But besides being slippery players, they're also straight-shootin' dudes with a sound that juxtaposes very pretty guitar and synth melodies against rawness and blue-collar screaming. "I guess in some ways, we think about everything, but it always comes together really naturally," says frontman Patrick Doherty. "The other three guys in the band are just really creative people. Somebody will just have one small idea for a song - a drum beat, a melody, a phrase, whatever - and we'll just freestyle from there. The one thing we really try and do is actually write songs, you know? It might be a little different every time you play it live, but there's definitely a solid backbone to it, and everyone's on the same page." 

[The New Frontier Lounge, with Pioneers West, Blanco Bronco, 9 p.m., cover TBA, 301 E. 25th, Tacoma, 253.572.402]