Through June 6 "Doubt"

Mecca Building

By Joe Izenman on May 19, 2010

With John Patrick Shanley's Doubt, newly founded Tacoma theater company Gold From Straw jumps directly into the deep end of the theatrical pool. Doubt is carefully designed to raise questions and avoid answers. The audience is permitted to come to their own conclusions, if they wish, but that is not the intent.

We are meant simply to know that we do not know, to wallow in our lack of certainty and to understand that how things seem does not dictate how things are. The characters, in turn, embrace, hide, foster, force and ignore the pervasive uncertainty of their lives.

Doubt is also a play for actors.

Read the full review here.


through June 6, 8 p.m. Thursday - Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, $22-$25
Mecca Building, 755 Broadway, Tacoma