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The shoe fits


The shoe fits

Olympia Family Theater premiered Cinder Edna five years ago, almost to the day, and now they're bringing it back with some revisions and a larger cast. A local actor not involved in either production called it a legend and wondered if it was too soon to bring it back. I

Traditional, recognizable and pretty


Traditional, recognizable and pretty

Two big shows are running simultaneously at American Art Company, "Women in Wood" and the "32nd NW Pastel Society International Exhibit." As if that were not enough, they are also showing some excellent fiber art, including some terrific work by local favorite Jill Nordfors Clark. "Women in Wood" features wood pieces

“The Light We Hear”


“The Light We Hear”

I introduced Andy Behrle's audio sculpture show "The Light We Hear" in this column last week but did not see the show until after that column was printed. Now, after seeing the show, I offer a more in-depth look at it.  Behrle, who lives near Yakima, seems to be something of

Innovative art, times two


Innovative art, times two

An online dictionary defines "avant garde" art as new, unusual or experimental art. Synonyms offered up include innovative, ahead of the times, cutting/leading/bleeding edge, pioneering, progressive, Bohemian, and revolutionary. In Tacoma, the places to experience avant garde art are 950 Gallery (formerly Spaceworks) and Feast Arts Center. This week winds up

Rain brings joy


Rain brings joy

Harlequin Productions' latest offering is Three Days of Rain, the Pulitzer Prize-nominated drama by Richard Greenberg, author of Take Me Out. In act one, 1995, Walker Janeway (Fox Rain Matthews) is staying in the apartment in New York where 35 years earlier his architect father, Ned, and Ned's partner, Theo, designed

Future looks bright


Future looks bright

If the 12 artists represented in the "Senior Art Show" at University of Puget Sound's Kittredge Gallery are an indication of what the future of art in the South Sound holds in store, the future shall be bright.  The "Senior Art Show" is Puget Sound's annual exhibit of studio-based senior thesis projects by

The good, the bad and the unnecessary


The good, the bad and the unnecessary

Talley's Folly is a sweet romance with an unlikely couple, the daughter of a wealthy garment factory owner in Missouri and a Jewish immigrant from the East Coast. This two-person, Pulitzer Prize-winning play takes place during World War II in one act (97-minutes long with no intermission) and in a

"We sit together the mountain and me"


"We sit together the mountain and me"

There are artists with whom art lovers simply cannot connect. They can't enjoy their work even though they understand and appreciate its importance. Picasso is a prime example. Surely everyone knowledgeable of art appreciates the importance of his work, yet there are many who, despite this appreciation, cannot stand the

2018 Olympia's Arts Walk


2018 Olympia's Arts Walk

Seattle metal sculptor and blacksmith Lisa Geertsen will be the featured artist at The Washington Center for the Performing Arts during Olympia's Arts Walk Friday and Saturday, April 27-28. Her show will continue until June 22. She will be showing about 40 pieces from the "Show of Hearts." The works are

"Zen" at Allsorts Gallery


"Zen" at Allsorts Gallery

Hart James is fairly new to the Olympia art scene. I first saw her work in 2013, at which time she was showing a group of flowery collages that verged on surrealism. Soon after she began showing solid, heavy landscapes perhaps influenced by Cezanne landscapes that were solid and somewhat

Catch Me If You Can


Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can at Tacoma Musical Playhouse is simply a lot of fun, from the opening song, "Live in Living Color," to wonderfully surprising twists at the end. Based on the film of the same title starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks, this musical romp tells the tale

The Pajama Game


The Pajama Game

The Pajama Game has a long and storied history, beginning with its debut on Broadway in 1954 featuring the choreography of the great Bob Fosse, with Shirley McClain as an unnamed dancer, and through two Broadway revivals and a film. The Pajama Game won the Tony Award for Best Musical

Disturbing and provocative art


Disturbing and provocative art

It was just this past December that I reviewed Katlyn Hubner's paintings at Feast Arts Center. In that review, I made the audacious statement, "...  might be the best figure paintings I have ever seen outside a major museum." And now she's showing in Tacoma again, this time at 950

Expanding your mind


Expanding your mind

La Sala is Spanish for "living room," and Priscilla Dobler's installation by that name at Feast Arts Center is a conceptual environment that questions how a person's living room affects their life -- turning on its head the concept that we affect the spaces in which we live. After all,

Award-winning artists at SPSCC


Award-winning artists at SPSCC

An invitational exhibition is something new and exciting for the gallery at South Puget Sound Community College. Juror Amy McBride invited 10 award-winning artists from the 2017 Southwest Washington Juried Exhibition to display their best works. I haven't the space to write about all 10 artists, so that will leave

Open your heart


Open your heart

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane at Olympia Family Theater is something special. It is unlike anything ever seen at OFT, a theater specializing in children's plays performed by mostly adult actors -- with on rare occasions an adult play. This play appeals to all ages. I often watch the

Captive light


Captive light

For a short period of time during her long life, Seattle photographer Ella E. McBride was revered internationally, but after her death in 1965, at the age of 102, much of her work was lost, and today she is little known. Perhaps this Tacoma Art Museum exhibition will help restore

Different but similar


Different but similar

A line is defined as the path of a moving point. If the point is three-dimensional and a foot or two in size in every direction, and if it doubles back on itself and crosses its own path like an Escher drawing or like a meandering line drawn without lifting

Darkly mysterious winter scenes


Darkly mysterious winter scenes

Jonathan Happ is an artist who is new to me. Before knowing who he was or anything about his art, I happened to glance at his paintings through a window as I was driving past Childhood's End Gallery, and I immediately thought I have to see these paintings. Happ paints darkly

Java Tacoma: Covfefe is for Closers


Java Tacoma: Covfefe is for Closers

If silliness and camp is your cup of tea (or coffee), then you should make every effort possible to get to Dukesbay Theater to see Java Tacoma: Covfefe is for Closers. This is the seventh episode of this ongoing sitcom for the stage. This highly topical comedy filled with local digs,

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