Threats & Promises

South Sound music news and notes

By Bobble Tiki on June 25, 2009

It’s a new week, which means it’s time for a new edition of Bobble Tiki’s South Sound music notes column. Let’s get rolling …

Reylan Fernandez, of the Degrees and Sons of Ivan fame, recently let Bobble Tiki in on a scoop of sorts. With Sons of Ivan on hiatus, Fernandez, along with brother Lino and Ken Smith — both also formerly of the Degrees — have a new band going, The Dignitaries, who will play their first show ever July 18 at Hell’s Kitchen. According to Reylan, The Dignitaries have a “grittier” sound than his past bands, and skate a garage punk line. Apparently it’s a musical concoction that’s got people “stirring,” at least according to Reylan — and Bobble Tiki knows for a fact dude’s no liar.

Who the hell is Hank, the band? Well, we’re all about to find out Friday, June 26 at Jazzbones. Rumor has it that Hank is former Who Cares stalwarts Paul Wilkinson, Rod Rothin and Joshua Jackson, along with a couple of new guitarists. But while Hank the band is rumored to include three former members of Who Cares, don’t expect joke songs about feminine hygiene and boffing Robert Conrad. No, it seems Hank the band is a fairly serious venture, with a sound — at least according to first hand accounts — that’s nothing to scoff at. See for yourself when Hank opens for Delhi 2 Dublin Friday at Jazzbones.

And finally, on a what the fuck is the matter with the world note, Girl Trouble bassist Dale Phillips had his home broken into this week, and the asshat intruder made off with a bunch of Phillips' prized musical possessions — including a one of a kind bass signed by The Ventures. Needless to say, Phillips is crushed. A description of all the items stolen can be found at Girl Trouble’s Myspace page, Take a look, and then keep your eyes peeled for Dale’s gear around town. Finding and punishing the scum that did this would be oh so sweet.