Turdis Musicus

Norwegian band rocks Hell's Kitchen Wednesday

By Bobble Tiki on September 27, 2007

There are few things Bobble Tiki enjoys more in this world than a reason to celebrate. What can Bobble Tiki say? He just likes a party. Whatever the occasion — be it a wedding, anniversary, birthday, or bar mitzvah — Bobble Tiki is down to commemorate it and down to get drunk in honor of it.

One year ago, Jazzbones became “The New Jazzbones.” The transformation was brought on by the blood of new ownership — Terry Suzuki purchasing the club from Jason Mackinnon. Not long after, flat-screen TVs began showing up on every wall of the club, a sushi bar appeared upstairs, and an obviously increased interest in profit became apparent.

This Saturday, Sept. 29, The New Jazzbones will celebrate its one-year anniversary. The Randy Oxford Band, Nick Vigarino, Antonio Edwards, and comedian Jason Stewart will provide the music and entertainment for the occasion. Oxford, thanks to his Wednesday Night Blues Theatre jams (which have run since the days of Mackinnon), has quite possibly seen more stage time at the New Jazzbones than any other musician. His presence at the anniversary show only seems fitting.

“It has had its challenging aspects, but overall, the experience has been a good one,” explains Jennifer Johnson of the year under her belt as the New Jazzbones booking agent.
“There’s a broader range of music and entertainment now available.”
As to what to expect in the next year of the New Jazzbones …

“A live music venue, especially one that focuses on sit-down food service as Jazzbones does, is in a constant state of continual improvement. Next year brings a new paint job to the interior and hopefully the exterior as well. Possible expansion of the balcony bar, new seating, further improving our restrooms, remodeling the kitchen, a new menu; all are possible,” says Johnson.

“Randy Oxford, simply as a person, is a great human being. He’s friendly and genuine. As a musician, Randy is awesome. His talent is impressive and yet, he carries himself as just another guy in a band. We sincerely consider Randy to be part of our ‘family‘ and wanted to honor him with performing on this night as a thank you for all that he continues to do for Jazzbones and the music community in general, especially the work he does with the young musicians and performers at the Wednesday night Blues Theatre he hosts here.”

Turdus Musicus

On a completely separate note — changing gears, turning pages, and tuning to a different wavelength — Turdus Musicus will play Hell’s Kitchen on Wednesday, Oct. 3. Bobble Tiki isn’t a very intellectual fellow, nor has he ever claimed to be. That said, Bobble Tiki was primarily interested in writing about this show for two reasons. First off, Wednesdays at the Kitchen equal $1 PBRs. That’s never a bad thing. Secondly, it sounds funny to say “Turdus Musicus.” If Bobble Tiki wrote about the show, he knew it meant he’d get to talk about it all week with colleagues, editors, coworkers, and even his family. The words Turdus Musicus have crossed Bobble Tiki’s lips too many times to count over the past few days. If there’s something Bobble Tiki likes almost as much as a reason to celebrate, it’s saying the word turdus.

But the kicker is, after Bobble Tiki has gotten to say Turdus Musicus in the company of all sorts of folks this week, once he receives their befuddled, often irritated looks of bafflement in response, he gets to fill them in.

“Actually, dear, Turdus Musicus is Latin for ‘beautiful song of the redwing,’” Bobble Tiki has clarified at the dinner table this week.

“They’re actually Norwegian, Mr. Swarner. Please don’t hit me again,” Bobble Tiki has been heard to utter this week in staff meetings.

“I know it sounds like turd, but it’s not about poop at all, Brad Allen. Why are you so fascinated with poop?” Bobble Tiki has said in the Weekly Volcano lunchroom.
Turdus Musicus is a hardcore punk band from Norway. For those playing at home — that’s in Europe. Turdus Musicus will celebrate a decade of existence next year. Over the course of that long career Turdus Musicus has produced eight records by Bobble Tiki’s count (It’s hard to know for sure. The band’s bio is in Norwegian). They’ve also a relentlessly speedy drum beat and some emo-ish, angry screeching vocals in their portfolio. Turdus Musicus has been able to show that not only does the word turdus mean something fairly intelligent in Latin, but rock is alive and well in Norway.

As always, Bobble Tiki doesn’t care how you spend your weekend, because he doesn’t even know you. Unless you’ve got tickets to a Hawks game you want to give Bobble Tiki, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to meet you. Actually, that’s not true. The Hawks don’t play at home again for a few weeks, and that’s a lot of time for Bobble Tiki to act all friendly just to get his Bobble hands on some sweet seats in the Hawk’s Nest. You’ll have to settle for Breakfast with Bobble Tiki, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at www.weeklyvolcanospew.com.

[Jazzbones, Randy Oxford Band, Nick Vigarino, Antonio Edwards, and comedian Jason Stewart, Saturday,Sept. 29, 8 p.m., all ages, $10, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]
[Hell’s Kitchen, Turdus Musicus, One Last Look, Wednesday, Oct. 3, 9 p.m., $3, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]