Flying Boots Bud Light

Drink beneath the boot

By Brad Allen on August 9, 2007

Believe it or not, there are actually times when the weight and all of the women of the world take a toll on me, and I seek the sanctuary of a spot where I won’t have to deal with a damn thing but my own personal buzz.

The Flying Boots Restaurant & Spur is the place I turn to for this kind of solace. When in Rome, you do what those Romans do, and when at this perfect dive on 38th Street, you drink Bud Light.
Bud Light is the perfect compliment to this dimly-lit, local’s-only karaoke haven. This is also the spot where you won’t have to worry about buying those Bud Lights or anything else for anyone but yourself.

Bud Lights have always gone down my palate with ease, but when I have the incognito freedom that The Boots provides, they taste even better, except for that one time when I lost a bet and was actually forced to drink the Bud Light out of my own boot.

But then again, when in Rome.

[Flying Boots Restaurant & Spur, 614 S. 38th St., Tacoma, 253.475.9628]